
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by StoleYourDiamond, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. OpTimer

    Plugin category: [Admin]

    Suggested name: OpTimer

    What I want: Hey guys i would really like it if someone could make a op plugin timer where an admin can op some one for a certain amount of time e.g. 5hours or 5 seconds u know what i mean!

    Ideas for commands: /optimer [player] [how long] (ops them for how long u want)

    Ideas for permissions: optimer.player

    When I'd like it by: Don't rush take some time!


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  2. Offline


    You need to wait more than 19 minutes before bumping :eek:

    12 hours. ;)
  3. i may sound like a n00b but whats bump?
  4. Offline


    Bumping your thread to the top. Every time someone comments, the thread shoots to the top of the list. If you intentionally comment for this purpose (saying "Anyone?", "Please?" etc), that is considered "bumping".
  5. Offline


    Ook... Remember? I said you're supposed wait 12 hours before bumping. -_-
  6. Offline


    Alright so what would be the purpose of this? What about a permission timer instead. All a person would have to do once gaining Op is shut the server down before the timer runs out. /stop Which timed permissions are already available in PermissionsEx.
  7. Offline


    I hate to say it, but someone who doesn't know what "bumping" a thread is, and needs an op timer(awfully insecure), probably doesn't have permissions set up.
  8. I do have permissions set up
  9. Offline


    Alright then, I guess I was wrong. What do you want a plugin like this for? Opping people(even for a set amount of time) isn't very safe.
  10. my friends i only want to op them for a sertain amount of time rather then forever cause i forget to deop them.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  11. Offline


    Again, 12 hours. How many times can I say it?

    I guess this is my third.
  12. Offline


    Have patience: the person with your answer may be in a different time-zone or be asleep. Or it may be that your question wasn't well-formed to begin with.
    So be patient! Help will come soon, Bukkiters (Bukkit Helpers) are not Robots we are human's.

    Final Rule of Bumping!
    If you feel the need to up your thread ONLY Bump when a significant time has passed, or has gone over page 5. Try bumping after 24hrs.
    If you bump too often you will be warned. Keep it up, your thread will be locked down by an admin/Moderator or staff.

    Source http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/read-first-getting-your-question-answered-formatting-it.84352/
  13. As soon as I fixed my other plugins, I'll take this request ;)
  14. Offline


    Who's 'd' and why'd you steal his diamon?
  15. ok thanks!!!
  16. it's been more then 14 hours or more
  17. Offline


    I think your getting just a bit, just a bit paranoid.
  18. Sorry i haven't slept since, like 6 in the morning
    Omnitv likes this.
  19. Another 12 hours Bump! and please help!
  20. Offline


    Someone says they will do it. It really will not be instant._. You do realize we have lives?
    manniL likes this.
  21. Whoops! i totally forgot someone was making it Thanks for reminding me!
  22. Offline


    Who is it?
  23. I'll do it ;)
  24. Offline


    Cool manniL <3 to see it.

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