Solved Override every plugin's "no permission" message?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EgyptianKing, Nov 28, 2014.

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    Hi, I have a good 40 or so plugins and I'd like to make the "you don't have the permissions to do that" message to all be the same. Yea I can go ahead and manually change all of them myself, but I'd still like to know if this was possible.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    EgyptianKing ctrl-f, replace.
    That is one option.
    Or you can use packets, but not really a good idea for 40 plugins when you want to change it hardcoded.
    EgyptianKing likes this.
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    Easiest way would be to do it manually. You could also listen to chat packets, not sure how you would tell a regular chat packet apart from the permissions without checking for things like the colour and if it contains the word 'permission' or the phrase 'not allowed'. But that sounds silly.
    EgyptianKing likes this.
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