Permission nodes for unban

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by gamingking3000, Aug 12, 2012.

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    Hi I have this Guy on my server he is Mod and he keeps trying to unban this one guy i banned. I need to know the node for unban so i can do /manudelp [Name] Node! Pls Help! I got group Manager at the moment. Thnx!
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    Check the essentials permissions nodes in their documentation.
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    say I already tried /manudelp essentials.unban but it says they do not have direct permission. But he can still unban!
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    Shouldn't you take away mod-status from the mod who is causing trouble first, and then worry about the permissions later? Or maybe I am understanding this wrong...
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    If you are using essentials banning system, the permission node is "essentials.unban" (without quotes). If you are using the default Bukkit banning system, the command is /pardon, not un-ban, and the node is "bukkit.command.unban.player"
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    if it says node doesnt exist, permission isnt coming from an actual essentials.unban node. at which case, do /manuaddp -essentials.unban
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    Thnx guys! Fixed it! Thnx
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