PhoenixMC Plugin [Majestic] [Rewards] [Read First]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mineverse, Apr 23, 2014.

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    PhoenixMC Plugin
    Hello there! My name is Max, Max B. I am the owner of a server called PhoenixMC. I am looking over the Bukkit plugins, they are all good, but it's for the public to get. I want a private plugin made by my developers. So I am looking for someone with skill to make these plugins: Hub, Games, World, Arcade, Messages, and Tips!

    Let's start!

    Hub - This all should be editable in the Configuration file.

    The commands that should be accessed only by players!

    * /hub or /lobby - Teleports them to the hub. It's their spawn. To set the hub, the op should say /sethub or /setlobby for the hub to be set. When they get teleported, it should say:
    "Spawn>Welcome to PhoenixMC" They should have a 15 second cool down. If they try to spam the command between the cool down, the message should say something like:
    "Spawn> Don't spam this command! You have 8.2 seconds until you can reuse this command" No matter who the person is, the Owner or the regular, this should happen.
    * /vote or /poll - The server is a democracy! We need people to vote on stuff such as new games or map change! So what should be the message is somewhat like this:
    "Vote> "
    * /help
    * /plugins
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    Locked. Private plugin requests impede on the guidelines of this section.
    Spectre93 likes this.
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