Piggy Nibble & Chicken Squeeze Mod

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by WaLLy3K, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Inspired by the browser based MMO, Glitch, I'd like to request a mod as follows:

    Plugin Category: Mechanics

    Suggested Name: Non Lethal Animal Harvest

    What I'd like to see:
    1. Hold right click on a Pig or Chicken
    2. The eating sound and animation plays (as if you were eating a raw pork chop/chicken)
    3. Instead of killing the animal, you get a single raw pork chop or chicken (Configurable)
    4. Upon completion of the animal harvest, it makes an oink or "bukerk!" sound (Whatever is available ingame already)
    5. Can be performed three times daily (Configurable)
    6. Killing the animal wields three pork chops or two chickens (Also Configurable)

    The idea is that early on, you shouldn't need to kill wildlife to survive.

    No commands, no permissions and would be appreciated as soon as reasonably possible! :)
  2. Offline


    Bump. Would appreciate anyone being able to look into this!

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