Problem with Spawning On Roofs.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by LegitMelons, Jan 31, 2013.

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    Well I host a Voltz server and have been having a problem with deathspawns/newjoiners. they seem to spawn in minecrafts random aspect and then on the roof of my spawn. Ive tried every plugin to fix this (Home superspawn etc) but none seem to work homespawnplus makes a config folder but never runs inside the server (none of the commands seem to show up). As its voltz missles can blow up the spawn so i need to get my MFFS up ASAP but I cant doso when people spawn on the roof.
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    I had the same problem. Using essentials and essentials spawn?
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    if you use essentialsspawn, do /setspawn newbies.
  4. Offline


    I did that, they still spawn using minecrafts natural spawn pattern or on roofs. Im using bukkitforge too.
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    well heres your problem.
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    Any other bukkit I can use with voltz?
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