Proper Bukkit Etiquette

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by cray_Z, Jul 4, 2012.

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    I have noticed in the past couple of weeks that users' form has been slipping a bit. So here is a quick do's and don't list. This is also for people who are too lazy to read Bukkit's rules.


    1. Dont use too much cursing.
    2. Dont be racist
    3. NEVER spam
    4. No promoting your personal products, unless an Admin approves
    5. Keep signatures to the basics. Don't over do it with flashing lights, and all.
    6. Dont beg/ask for a promotion


    1. Help everyone, keep a clear mind. Some users are new and confused about bukkit.
    2. Try to keep the caps to a minimum
    3. Answer the threads in which you know about. (In other words, dont help someone, if you have no idea what they are talking about.
    4. Click the 'Report' button if: The thread is in the wrong section. If they are dis-obey any rules.
    5. Click the 'Edit' button instead of double posting.
    6. By all means, use Google and YouTube, to help. I don't want anymore 'whats the permission node for...'

    If your wondering:

    To do a spoiler, code box, and more see here:

    Related Thread:

    Source of rules: .

    The fine print:

    While we try to guarantee that every member is given three chances, we reserve the right to make any decision we believe is necessary to address the situation at hand up to and including, but not limited to, banning someone without warning.

    The Bukkit Community Staff reserve the right to read any messages usually deemed private if the situation calls for it (for example, if the contents is reported) and reserve the right to edit or delete any content provided by anyone on
    The above stated are not absolute. They are guidelines for those wanting to ensure that their stay here is a pleasant one.


    The views, opinions, or anything thereof discussed on this site and forums are by no means the views, opinions, or anything thereof supported by the Bukkit Community Staff or the Bukkit Team. While we will try our best to moderate and delete any troublesome content, we may not be held responsible for any content that is posted.

    The Bukkit Community Staff reserves the right to modify these and any other guidelines found throughout the site and forums at any time and without notification and an Administrator's word is final.
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    I get fat with cake, Rather have a cookie. :3
    But yeah go ahead, Full steam ahead.
    cray_Z likes this.
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    Done, thats an awful big cookie o.o
    Omnitv likes this.
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