Quick export in IntelliJ (File in use)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BoltActionPiano, May 6, 2014.

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    Previously, to recompile my plugin, all I had to do was generate the jar again using a .jardesc in Eclipse, then doing a /reload.

    This was incredibly convenient and worked wonders while developing.
    Eclipse would overwrite the file succesfully.

    When I moved to Intellij, I realized that it didn't like the fact that the file was in use when building the artifact.

    Is there any way I could get around this?


    It's just a warning, it cannot delete the file, however it writes successfully.
    Just hit ignore warnings on the compile log if you don't want it to pop up.
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    Stop your server, compile (on your server path) while "Loading libraries" with a cycle .bat (or .<similar batch file from windows but for linux that I don't remember>).

    Please don't /reload, you know that this is bad );
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