Quick permissionsEx chat question.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by es359, Nov 19, 2014.

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    Tittle might be a little misleading. I have a custom chat feature with one of my server plugins. It uses configuration file settings to set the format. I was wondering, how would I access a players set prefix from permissionsEx? I've done a little research, and it looks like I might have to implement vault?
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    es359 Yep. You just have to add Vault to your Java Build Path just like you did with (craft)bukkit.jar. Then your pretty much go and learn Vault's permissions API. You may want to learn its chat API as well; they probably go together in your case.
    es359 likes this.
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    es359 What he said although a messy but option would be to manipulate the player display name by getting everything before the players actual name.
    es359 likes this.
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