Region AutoCmd

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by np98765, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello there,

    Quick Description
    I'm looking for a plugin which forces the user (or console) to enter a command upon entering a certain area.

    Plugin Name
    RegionAutoCmd (I'm not picky; choose what you like)

    Plugin Use
    Why would I want such a plugin? I find this to have multiple uses. For example, I might give someone creative mode. Upon their entrance to some WorldGuard region, I might want to disallow this. Or maybe I could grant users special privileges when they enter a region.

    (/rc is an alias for /regioncmd)
    You may reformat these commands if there is an easier and better solution. ;)

    /rc <region> p:<cmd> : Runs a command from the player who enters the region.
    /rc <region> c:<cmd> : Runs a command from the console when the player enters the region.

    Example Commands
    /rc spawn p:gamemode 0 : This would switch the player to survival upon entering 'spawn'
    /rc spawn p:gamemode 0 c:god <player>,smite <player> : This would switch the player to survival, and then run god <player> and smite <player> from the console, where <player> would be replaced with the player's name. Notice that I used a player and two console commands.

    Extra Features
    These features would be nice to have, but aren't completely necessary. If you have to choose one of the two, please attempt number one. :D

    1. I would love the option to grant users temporary permission (similar to ServerSigns). This would allow me to run commands that the Console cannot run and the user doesn't normally have permission for.
    2. I would like the option to add a 'delay' flag to the command, such as 'd:<integer>'.

    Finals Words
    I see endless possibilities for this plugin. By being able to run commands from both the user and the console, you can manipulate and change virtually anything when a player enters a region.

    I would love to see this plugin put on BukkitDev, as I think it would help many people. I don't wish to keep this private, and, if you agree, I'd like to share it with the world. :)

    I have done searching, and it seems like all previous forum posts regarding this matter have gone unanswered or unresolved. There are similar plugins that might do similar things, but don't really pose a proper solution to everything that I need. I certainly haven't seen one that supports WorldGuard (which is there because I already have so many regions defined, and for ease of use), and player and console commands.
    chakyl and MinopolisMc like this.
  2. Offline


    'Twould be nice to put an end to all the arena cheating... :)
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    You know what Im gonna say right? VariableTriggers and I just added Area triggers yeasterdays update.

    There not worldguard areas but you create Areas much like world guard does but you can set Enter and Exit triggers to run script when a player enters the area or exits it.
    Create an area /vt setarea lets you use the wand(bone) to set two pointsand then /vt definearea [AreaName] defines the area.

    Once area is created set the enter trigger to do somthing like this
    /vtarea MyArea Enter @CMDCON gamemode <playername> 1

    and on the exit trigger
    /vtarea MyArea Exit @CMDCON gamemode <playername> 0

    or @CMDOP whichever works best for your needs.
    Just a thought
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    Ok... I looked at the region area. I just have a few questions, the first being do you plan on changing the region system? Because honestly, I dislike the whole "region defined first" thing. I have so many regions already in my world, inside each other, it would a) be a pain to redefine them all, and b) be even more of a pain with that priority system.

    Also, you used @CMDON and @CMDOP. I need a way to:
    a) run console commands
    b) run player commands with their permissions
    c) run player commands with temporary permissions (maybe)

    Don't get me wrong, VT is a great plugin, but for this situation, it doesn't quite do everything I'd like. -_-
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    CMD - runs a comand as player with only the permissions they have
    CMDOP - runs a comand as player with as if they were op
    CMDCON runs any consol command as if it where typed in consol regardles of player

    As far as the areas I chose not to hook WorldGuard and keep it endipendent. there are many reasons for this. Sorry if you don't want to recreate areas.
  6. Offline


    Ok, now I'm definately gonna get it.
    This will easily become my favourite plugin! :)
  7. Offline


    Np why dont you make the plugin since you know how to code?
  8. Offline


    I like how neither of you noticed this was posted in July :D
  9. Offline


    Me too :D
    MrBluebear3 likes this.

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