[REQ] Auto-pistons (activate whenever there is a block to push)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Natron77, Jul 16, 2011.

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    It would save a ton of wiring (not to mention clocks bogging down the server) if pistons could be set to activate automatically whenever there is a block in front of them to push.

    Ideally, this would be a special type of piston, activated by putting a sign on a non-sticky piston.

    Is this possible with Bukkit?
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    That is a really nice idea! So normally it would be intracted (= not extracted). And when a block apears in front of it, it extracts, pushes the block, and intracts.

    I think this is possible with bukkit. But I am new to bukkit (and Java) so I am not sure if I can do it...
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