[Request] Unique Minigame Engine

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by DemyxGames, Apr 20, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Engine

    Suggested name: Minigame Engine+ or something of the like.

    What I want: The main difference I need that would set this plugin apart from any you could find on the Bukkit website is, I need it to be Bungee Cord compatible. If you don't know how or haven't worked with Bungee Cord before, than please do not try to create this plugin.
    Admin/Owner puts any maps they would like to be available to vote for into their server, they install the plugin and start the server. Admin/Owner joins the server and builds the map or whatever, once he is ready to setup the minigame, he does the command /mg setup The plugin gives the message "You are now in setup mode, use /mg setup done when you are complete."
    Then, it gives the message, "What would you like to call this minigame?" The Admin/Owner types the name into the chat, telling the server. The plugin then gives the message "How is this minigame won? A.) Players can fight, the winner is the last one standing. B.) Players cannot kill each other, however, they can hit each other, the winner is the last one standing. C.) Players can kill each other, however, they respawn, and do not loose. The winner is the first person, or designated group, to go from point A, to point B. D.) The first player or designated group to break a block are the winner(s), PvP can be flagged on or off. E.) Players kill each other for points, the first player with X points (changeable in the config) wins.
    The Admin/Owner types A B C D or E into the chat, telling the server. The plugin then gives the message "Please setup the map/arena using the command /mg arenasetup [arenaname] When you are done, use /mg save [arenaname]" The Admin/Owner enters the command, replacing [arenaname] with the name of the map they are setting up. Once the command is used, the Admin/Owner is teleported into the world in their server with the same name as [arenaname] in the command. They are given a set of tools that each do different things, according to if they chose A B C D or E.
    If the Admin/Owner chose A:
    1st slot: Golden Axe named "SpawnPoints" Whever the Admin/Owner right clicks with the axe, a player spawn point is set. If they right click the same block that a spawn point is set on, it removes that point.
    2nd slot: A Golden Hoe named "DeathmatchSpawns" Lore: "If applicable" Whenever the Admin/Owner right clicks with the hoe, it sets a Deathmatch spawn point (deathmatch criteria are changeable in the config) If the Admin/Owner left clicks a set deathmatch spawn with the hoe, it removes it.
    3rd slot: Golden Shovel named "ItemDrops" Lore: "If applicable" Whenever the Admin/Owner right clicks with the hoe, it sets a point where a random item can spawn on the ground (items that can spawn changeable in the config) If the Admin/Owner left clicks a point that an item drop has already been set, it removes that point.
    If the Admin/Owner chose B:
    1st slot: Golden Axe named "SpawnPoints" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A
    2nd slot: Golden Shovel named "ItemDrops" Lore: "If applicable" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A
    3rd slot: Golden Hoe named "DeathmatchSpawns" Lore: "If applicable" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A
    If the Admin/Owner chose C:
    1st slot: Golden Axe named "SpawnPoints(PointA)" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A.
    2nd slot: Golden Block named "Goal(PointB)" When placed, spawns a block (changeable in the config) that the players or designated group must reach and either step on or punch to win.
    3rd slot: Golden Shovel named "ItemDrops" Lore: "If applicable" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A.
    4th slot: Golden Hoe named "DeathmatchSpawns" Lore: "If applicable" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A
    If the Admin/Owner chose D:
    1st slot: Golden Axe named "SpawnPoints" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A
    2nd slot: Golden Block named "Goal" When placed, spawns a block (changeable in the config) that the player must break to win.
    3rd slot: Golden Shovel named "ItemDrops" Lore: "If applicable" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A.
    4th slot: Golden Hoe named "DeathmatchSpawns" Lore: "If applicable" Same function as if the Admin/Owner chose A
    If Admin/Owner chose E.) Same setup as A.
    Once the Admin/Owner has gone through and set each required tool and any applicable ones, they use the command /mg save [arenaname] The plugin then gives the message "Please flag this arena with /mg flagarena [flag] [flagvalue] [arenaname] The following is a list of valid flags: PvpKill, PvpNoKill, PvP, MonsterSpawn, AnimalSpawn. When you are done, type /mg flagarena done."
    What they do:
    PvpKill, PvpNoKill, and Pvp have a default value, determined by whether the Admin/Owner chose A B C D or E. If the Admin/Owner uses one of these as a flag, it overrides the default value.
    PvpKill: If set to true, players can Pvp and kill eachother
    PvpNoKill: If set to true players can Pvp, but cannot kill eachother
    Pvp: If set to false, Pvp is disabled. It is set to true by default if PvpNoKill or PvpKill is set to true
    MonsterSpawn: If true, Monsters Spawn in this world
    AnimalSpawn: If true, Animals Spawn in this world
    Each flag only effects the arena/map specified in the command.
    Once the Admin/Owner types /mg flagarena done, the setup process for the 1st arena/map is complete. The Admin/Owner is teleported to the lobby world (default named world, changeable in the config) A scoreboard is added that displays the current arenas/maps, how many votes each one has, and how much time is left until the players are warped to the arena and the game begins. To add another arena/map the Admin/Owner repeats the entire process beginning at /mg arenasetup [arenaname] and ending at /mg flagarena done. Each time, the new arena/map is added to the scoreboard in the lobby world under all the other ones before it. Once the Admin/Owner has setup all the arenas/maps he wants, he uses the command /mg setup done. The plugin then gives the message "Setup complete. You will now be asked a series of questions to answer."
    "Is Deathmatch to be used? Yes or No"
    Admin/Owner types Yes or No into the chat
    If Yes, the plugin asks "Please type into the chat the number of minutes into the chat, until the Deathmatch starts."
    Admin/Owner types a number
    The plugin asks "Please type into the chat the number of players alive that activates Deathmatch."
    Admin/Owner types a number
    If No, the plugin skips this question, and there is no Deathmatch.
    The plugin then asks the question "Will there be Kits for this minigame? Yes or No."
    If Yes, the plugin gives the message "We will now setup the Kits. Type /mg kitsetup done when all the Kits you would like are complete."
    The plugin then give the message "The kit we are now setting up is the default kit. This kit will be chosen if the player does not choose a kit. Please put the items in your inventory and hotbar in the way that you would like the player to receive them, also, any armor that you are wearing will be automatically put onto the player. When you are ready, type /mg kitsetup default."
    The Admin/Owner gets all the items then types /mg kitsetup default.
    The plugin then gives the message "Default Kit setup successful." The plugin then says "Now we will setup choose-able kits. Once you have setup all the kits you want, type /mg kitsetup done."
    The plugin then says "This is the 1st kit, arrange the items in you inventory as you want the player to receive them. When you are done, type /mg kitsetup [kitname] Replace [kitname] with whatever you want the kit to be named. Wherever you are standing when you use the command /mg kitsetup [kitname] a block will spawn (changeable in the config) with a sign on it. Players can click the sign to choose this kit."
    When the Admin/Owner uses the command /mg kitsetup [kitname] the block is spawned, and the plugin repeats the statement, replacing 1st with 2nd and so on until the Admin/Owner types /mg kitsetup done. This ends the setup for kits. The plugin says "Kit setup complete." and moves on to the next question.
    If No, the plugin skips Kit setup, and the minigame has no kits.
    Next, the plugin asks "Will this minigame restock chest loot? Yes or No"
    If Yes, The plugin asks "Will the loot be restocked in intervals or every time the server restarts? Intervals or Restarts."
    If Intervals, the plugin says "Type into chat how many minutes between each time loot is added to the chests." The Admin/Owner types a number into chat, then the plugin asks "Shall a message be displayed each time loot is restocked? Yes or No?"
    The Admin/Owner types Yes or No into chat, and the plugin moves on to the next question.
    If Restarts, the plugin says "Fresh loot will be stocked into chests every time a new game starts." Then, the plugin moves on to the next question.
    If No, the plugin says "Fresh loot will not be put into chests." Then, the plugin moves on to the next question.
    The plugin asks "Will players be rewarded for kills? Yes or No."
    The Admin/Owner answers in the chat.
    If Yes, The plugin asks "Which item shall the player receive for getting a kill? Type the item number in chat."
    Admin/Owner types the number in chat and the plugin says "Players will be rewarded that item for each kill." The plugin then moves on to the next question.
    If No, The plugin says "Players will not be rewarded for a kill." Then, the plugin moves on to the next question.
    The plugin then asks "Will there be Teams or Designated groups in this minigame? Yes or No."
    The Admin/Owner type Yes or No into the chat.
    If Yes, The plugin asks "How many teams will there be? Type the number into chat."
    The Admin/Owner types a number into chat. The plugin says "Type /mg teamset 1 to set the 1st team's join sign. This will spawn a block where you are standing (changeable the config) with a sign on it that players can click to join this team."
    The Admin/Owner uses this command, and the block is spawned. The plugin repeats statement, changing /mg teamset 1 to /mg teamset 2. The plugin repeats the statement until the number of teams that were previously specified are setup. The plugin then says "Team setup complete" and moves on to the next question.
    If No, The plugin says "There will not be teams in this minigame"
    Then, the plugin gives the message "That is all the questions. Type /mg setup done to finish the setup. You may want to look at the config file at some point."
    At this point, the plugin setup is done, and the game is ready to be played.
    These are option I would like to have in the config that are not covered in-game. Everything in-game is also in the config, but not listed here.
    BreakableBlocks: #These are blocks that players can break
    - X
    - X
    - X
    PlaceableBlocks: #These are blocks that players can break
    - X
    - X
    - X
    ChestLoot: #These are things that can be found in chest if randomized loot in turned on. 1-5 is the rarity of the item, 1 being common and 5 being rare.
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    - X
    ItemsPerChest: X #This is how many items can be found in a chest
    EPointsWin: X #This is how many points you need to have to win if the minigame is E
    I need every message that could be given, configurable. Also, any event that happens (Deathmatch, Chest loot restock) needs to have a message as well.

    When a player looses but the game is still going, he is teleported back to the lobby world with a compass in the 9th slot of his hotbar. If he right clicks with the compass in hand, a chest GUI is opened, and there are player heads in it with the same name as the players still alive in the game. If the player clicks one, he is teleported to the player with the same name as the head. The spectating player can fly (in survival mode) and is invisible. He cannot block projectiles, be hit by players, or hit players. He can only watch.

    This is how someone would setup a Spleef minigame.
    Admin/Owner wants 4 maps, so he finds 4 maps he likes, puts them into the server, installs the plugin, and starts the server.
    He builds the lobby world, then does the command /mg setup.
    He calls the minigame Spleef.
    He chooses A (he could also choose B) for how the minigame is won.
    His maps are named map1, map2, map3, and map4 so he does the command /mg setup map1
    He is teleported to map1
    He wants 6 people to be able to play Spleef, so he sets 6 spawn points with the Golden Axe.
    He types /mg save map1
    He types /mg setup map2
    He places 6 spawn points with the Golden Axe
    He types mg setup map2
    He types /mg setup map3
    He places 6 spawn points with the Golden Axe
    He types /mg save map3
    He types /mg setup map4
    He places 6 spawn points with the Golden Axe
    He types /mg save map4
    He types /mg setup done
    He flags the world with MonsterSpawn false, AnimalSpawn false, and Pvp false.
    He answers the first question No
    He answers the second question Yes.
    Using another plugin, he creates an Efficiency X diamond pickaxe, and sets that as the only thing in the default class.
    After setting up the default class, he types /mg kitsetup done
    He answers the next question No
    He answers the next question No
    He answers the next question No
    He types /mg setup done and Spleef is complete

    Ideas for commands: All the commands mentioned in the setup, and a /vote command for players. The /vote command goes like this: /vote [arenaname]
    It allows players to vote for the arena/map that they are going to play on next. The votes for each arena are displayed on the scoreboard in the lobby world.

    Ideas for permissions: A permission for every command mentioned. All set to op by default, except the /vote command, which everyone is allowed to use. There also needs to be a permission premium.kick# The # is set to 0-10. Normal players have it set to 0. They cannot kick anyone from the server, and can only join when there is an open spot. Someone with the permission premium.kick1 would be able to kick anyone with the permission premium.kick0. Anyone with the permission premium.kick2 would be able to kick anyone with the permission premium.kick0 or premium.kick1 and so on and so forth until you get to premium.kick10.
  2. Offline


    Bukkit does not support unofficial builds.
  3. Offline


    Locked. We do not support/develop for third party software(s).
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