Saving ChatColor to config.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ChaddTheMan, Oct 29, 2014.

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    Hi, any help with this question is appreciated, thanks in advance!
    I am trying to save a String with a ChatColor to the config with a '&' in front of a number.
    How can I replace this:
    1. ConfigString: '\xa7bThis is an aqua string'
    2. AnotherConfigString: '\xa7aThis is a lime string'

    With this:
    1. ConfigString: '&bThis is an aqua string'
    2. AnotherConfigString: '&aThis is a lime string'

    I have tried doing this when saving it to the config:
    1. //A blue string
    2. String blueString = ChatColor.BLUE + "Blue!";
    4. //Save it to config
    5. config.set("ConfigString", blueString.replace('\xa7', "&");
    6. And this is how I tried getting it from the config:
    7. String configString = ChatColor.stripColor( config.get("ConfigString") );
    8. String newConfigString = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', configString);

    Can someone please help me out with this?
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    I don't see your problem? You should just be able to use the & is works for me :S
  3. repalce § with & (example: "§ahello" will be printed out like this: hello)

    you can use e.g. ChatColor.YELLOW or §e the result is the same

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    ChaddTheMan Just use ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', "");
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    ChaddTheMan instead of stripColor, use replace(char, char). For the first char, you could use ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR.
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    I'm pretty sure you can save chatcolors right into the config and then call ConfigurationSection.getColor(String path, ChatColor defaultVal)
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    Abs0rbed thing is, he doesn't only want to save ChatColors, he wants to save a String with ChatColors in it :p.

    [EDIT] That aside, the config appears to support Color, not ChatColor.
    ChaddTheMan likes this.
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    Thanks, helped me fix my problem.
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