VisibleSeasons (Revised from Seasonal Effects)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Minothor, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Plugin category: Mech, Fun, RP

    Suggested name: VisibleSeasons

    What I want: A plugin that shows the effects of the changing seasons mod in a manner compatible with vanilla clients, allowing the vegetation colours. (e.g. very dry autumn leading to yellow/brown foliage, akin to grass at the edge of a desert biome)

    A little research showed something similar achieved with the WeatherMan plugin, however that changes biomes permenantly.

    More research reveals the packet code that actually stores the biome data:

    Here's how I'd prefer it to work if possible:

    Using the Seasons API to find out which season is currently in effect, the plugin would look at the config for biome replacement tables, then mask the existing biomes according to those rules.

    Sample Config:
    Season Replacements:​
    (Unspecified seasons and biomes won't be masked, original values are sent)​
    • Winter:
      • Grass -> Tundra
      • Hills -> Tundra
      • Extreme Hills -> Tundra
      • etc.
    • Summer:
      • Swamp -> Jungle (Lush green)
      • etc
    • Autumn(Fall for Americans):
      • Grass -> Desert (Brown colours for foliage)
      • Hills -> Desert
      • Extreme Hills -> Desert
      • etc
    A client connects in a Grass biome during winter:
    The plugin looks at the biome, looks at what should be displayed in winter and tells the client that the biome is a Snow biome.

    The original biome is preserved and the seasonal effects are sent on to the clients through the packets.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.
    (In the interests of server load and stability, I'd like the config loaded once per running, ignoring the /reload command if possible. The idea of sending biome updates simultaneously to all clients on reload is horrifying.)

    Ideas for permissions: No Permissions Necesseray

    When I'd like it by: Time is not an issue, we can launch the server without this and add it later.

    Server Info:
    Don't know if this helps with dev requirements or to help give an idea of what we need it for, but I'll include it just in case.

    Running: CraftBukkit++ v 1.2.5 R4.1 (Will Update to 1.3 as soon as it is Stable so compatibility will be necessary.)
    Role: Upcoming RP server for Badass Gaming

    Many Thanks in Advance!
    -NJ Boyd (Minothor in-game)
  2. Bumping and Revising original request.
    Damage and hazard effects have been stripped out since UltraFaceGuy is requesting something similar already.
    Reduced my request to just the visible effects of seasons and including what research I've managed.
  3. Bumped and Revised with research on relevant packet code and data.
  4. Offline


    This would be really nice. Probably would be very CPU intensive though.

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