[SEC] BadBlocksV0.9 - You Decide! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DexoD, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">BadBlocks</font> - You Decide!
    Version: <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">v0.9</font>
    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)">|| <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)">__________________________________________________________________________________________</font></font></font>
    This plugin will block "BadBlocks" you decide forbidden blocks, you can edit forbidden block in config file. Also u can see default config file below. When player tries to place/break forbidden block he receive message like "You are not allowed to use "Block"", and player with permission receive a message like "Nickname tries to place "Block"", or "Nickname tries to broke "Block"".
    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)">__________________________________________________________________________________________</font></font></font>

    You can edit "BadBlocks" in config file.
    Player can't place "BadBlocks", and receive message "You are not allowed to use "Block"".
    Player can't destroy "BadBlocks", and receive message "You are not allowed to use "Block"".
    Player with notify permissions will get a message when player tries to place or broke block.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  2. Offline


    WHY cruel world? WHY?

    steaks4uce likes this.
  3. It's my first plugin, and I cant create something special. And i will put new stuff in it, so this isn't one more TNTBlocker.

    Relased V.0.2 :)

    Version 0.2

    • Added BedRock to Block List.
    • Added Permissions ( griefblocksnotifier.notify and griefblocksnotifier.allowbedrock )
    • Added Admin notify messages like ( Nickname tryes to place TNT at X,Y,Z )

    Relased V.0.3 :)

    Version 0.3

    • Added Fire to Block List.
    • Added Flint and Steel to Block List.
    • Added Permission ( griefblocksnotifier.allowfire )
    • Added Command /gbn.
    • Fixed some codes.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
    Col1107 likes this.
  4. Offline


    How mny times were those two sentences posted in those plugins? :)
  5. Many times, but you can see now it isn't only TNT anymore. :) And I upgrading this plugin every day. I'm trying to learn new things. You can't create something ultra cool for first plugin. So cold-down already?
  6. Offline


    As stated many times, nobody here is against a first plugin, but why release a hello world? That's what really gets to most developers.
  7. I published this because then I feel that confidence in myself and then i learn more and more.
    EcOzZRiSiNg likes this.
  8. Relased V.0.4 :)

    Version 0.4
    • Changed name to BadBlocks
    • Added Lava to Block List
    • Added Water to Block List
    • Added PortalBlock to Block List
    • Added Permissions ( badblocks.allowportalblock, badblocks.allowwater, badblocks.allowlava )
    • Changed Command /gbn to /badb and text change.
    • All permissions changed to badblocks.
    • Some little changes.
  9. Offline


    Can you add the function to disable blocks?
    So instead of just saying: allowtnt, you can say: blocktnt.
    And the ability to disable the tnt explosions? So certain groups can't detonate tnt. An option is to disable redstone/redtorch devices in an area of 2 around the tnt block? Because, it should still be able to make traps with tnt for certain groups of course (A)
  10. Disable blocks? Player without permissions can't place or broke TNT block... And TNT Explosion is disabled for all players or admins.
  11. Offline


    how about mabey add something like when a player places tnt he gets banned ? or kicked so he cant do any damage with the tnt and the same with lava :)?
  12. Relased V.0.5

    Version 0.5
    • Added obsidian to Block List
    • Added command /badb_info
    • Added permissions ( badblocks.allowobsidian, badblocks.allowcmdinfo )
    • Changed Commands
    • Some little changes

    he cant do any damage.. he can't place lava and tnt, but if u want i can create for u with kick :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  13. Offline


    kick so when he wana use lava or tnt he gets kicked :) and thx :)!
  14. Offline


    maby a tip
    sat all blocks tot this server and make a config file to set-up all the bloks
  15. Offline


    I order to follow the idea of EcOzZRiSiNg you could try to make a warning system,something like stop placing tnt or you'll get kick.You could also try to harm the player in a more n0n-harmfull maner:)) like making him move slow after the placement of an tnt,get hunger more fast or such things like this.
  16. I will think about it, thx.

    Hmm, maybe.
  17. Offline


    I have been running this on my server for a couple of days. Last night a building got greifed. I have been running some tests on it.

    It appears that it blocks lava ok, (item code 10), but it still allows stationary_lava (item 11) to be placed.

    I haven't tired the same test with water (stationary and normal), but I guess that the same problem exists.

    Thanks for any help.

  18. well, i will fix it today :)

    @41Nick Fixed in 0.6 :)

    Relased V.0.6

    Version 0.6
    • Fixed Lava BlockList ( Buckets, and id 11 )
    • Fixed Water BlockList ( Same like lava )
    • Little changes!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  19. Offline


    That was fast! thanks
  20. No problem ...

    And, please reply what u think about thisˇˇˇˇ

    In V0.7 you decide what u want block.. :)
  21. Offline


    No one can use water/lava buckets now even as admin/op. I can use water(id. 8) ok though.Just says "no permission to ..."
  22. i know, but if u are admin why u need buckets? lava is id 10, simple /give Nick 10 1 :)
    but in 0.7 i will add to admins to detonate tnt and allowed using buckets ...
  23. Offline


    cool plugin.
  24. will be in 0.7, now in config file u have something like this:
    Show Spoiler

    AllowLadders: true
    AllowObisidian: false
    AllowDiamondOre: true
    AllowLapisLazuliBlock: true
    AllowBrick: true
    AllowWorkBench: true
    AllowLavaBlock: false
    AllowLever: true
    AllowFurnace: true
    AllowTNTBlock: false
    AllowFireBlock: false
    AllowStationaryLavaBlock: false
    AllowDirtBlock: true
    AllowRails: true
    AllowCoalOre: true
    AllowLogBlock: true
    AllowNoteBlock: true
    AllowIronBlock: true
    AllowLapisLazuliOre: true
    AllowMobSpawner: false
    AllowGoldOre: true
    AllowSpongeBlock: true
    AllowSandBlock: true
    AllowDetectorRail: true
    AllowRedStoneOre: true
    AllowWool: true
    AllowWaterBlock: true
    AllowIronOre: true
    AllowMossyCobblestone: true
    AllowStationaryWaterBlock: true
    AllowPoweredRail: true
    AllowGlassBlock: true
    AllowSandStone: true
    AllowBedRock: false
    AllowWoodenStairs: true
    AllowWoodenPlank: true
    AllowTorch: true
    AllowBookCase: true
    AllowGravelBlock: true
    AllowGoldBlock: true
    AllowCobbleStone: true
    AllowLeaves: true
    AllowGrassBlock: true
    AllowDispenser: true
    AllowCobbleStoneStairs: true
    AllowChest: true
    AllowStoneBlock: true

    so when is true player can place item but when it's false player can't place items. I will suport all blocks, but not in 0.7 :) And when i relase 0.7 i will film video how to install i how to use :)
  25. Offline


    I switch from admin/user to test out the plugin before I actually implement it on my server. looking forward to 0.7 keep up the good work.
  26. Relased V.0.7

    Version 0.7:

    • Created Config file with supported 67 blocks.
    • Deleted old permissions and added ( badblocks.allowall )
    • Well most of plugin is changed.
    • You must download plugin to see all!
    so, it's only TNTBlocker? no anymore!

    well, i don't lie, look at the plugin now, it's not "HelloWorld" anymore...

    look at the 0.7, thx for tip :)

    thanks, appreciate it.
  27. Offline


    Does this support permissionsbukkit?
  28. it should work, if not reply..
  29. Offline


    @DexoD i have given the group "badblocks.allowall: true" and inside the config both water blocks are true. still it just says "block is globaly disabled"
  30. oh, bucket water is disabled, and i can't set it up for admins only... but i will find the way to solve this.. buckets and tnt explosions are globaly diabled, and in config file "water" means id 10 and 11, same to lava ...

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