Set last damagecause

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CraftBang, Jul 29, 2014.

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    Hello there, I've got a little problem.
    I got a game where people can kill eachother, but most people just suicide by jumping of the world!
    But I want them to be "killed" by the last person who hitted them (so maybe he shot him off)

    My Event to "kill" the player and set lastdamagecause.
    public void onDamagereceiveEvent(EntityDamageEvent event){
    if((event.getEntity() instanceof Player)){
    EntityDamageEvent xd = event.getEntity().getLastDamageCause();
    ((Player) event.getEntity()).setHealth(0.0);
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    Just remove the lastDamagecause because if a player hit him like a few seconds before he will still be the killer, even if you set the health to 0 and kill him by magic, remember maybe the chat message like xx was killed by magic when trying to run from yy, thats a feature already, so you don't need to worry :) CraftBang
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    If he jumps of the world my other code doesn't run that he got "killed" by the last player who hitted him...
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    Jalau I don't really know what you mean.

    This is what happens :
    2 Players: A and B
    A hits B.
    B jumps of the world.
    A is NOT the killer, since B felled in the void.

    How do I make A the killer?
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