setItem(row, column) [HELP]

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by NewGarbo, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    All I need to know is how would I go about having a method which is along these lines: setItem(row, column, inventory, itemstack)? Please help! :)
  2. Offline


    <inv>.setItem(<slot>, <itemstack>);

    Slot = 0 - <max slot size inventory>, every 9 slots (0-8 > 9-17 > etc) is a column.
  3. Offline


    SuppaTim What? please elaborate more :S
  4. Offline


    To set an item in an inventory you use the method descripted above.
    You give it an integer, the slot, and an itemstack. The slot is an integer from 0 to the inventory's max size. So myInv.setItem(10, new ItemStack(Material.STICK)); would set the second slot from left in the second row to a stick.

    Example inv:
    Code = myInv.setItem(10, stick);
    # = Empty
    / = Stick

  5. Offline


    Inventory has a method named "setItem", it accepts two arguments (The slot number, and the ItemStack to set).
  6. Offline


    Actually, item 10 is at the tippity-top row, 2nd column.

  7. Offline


    I actually thought he meant an inventory more like a chest idea, but if he didn't, my bad.
  8. Offline


    Crap, I did just like you in assuming, but I assumed he was speaking of a player inventory.
  9. Offline


    I have no idea how to do this :'(
  10. Offline


    First, what on earth do you need this for?

    Second, just some simple math. Think about what you're trying to do, you'll figure it out.
  11. Offline


    All you have to do is yourInventory.setItem(slotNumber, nameOfItemStack);
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