Sponsorships (Help/Hurt Players as a Spectator)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ebear, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun, Economy, General, Misc

    Suggested name: SponsorHim

    What I want: Alright. So. It'd be a plugin where you can configure items, their names (supporting color codes), their enchants, their quantities, etc (if there's anything else you want to add). Then when a player does something like /sponsor [name] [type], the configured Economy amount is taken from their balance and they're given one of the defined items at random.

    You'd need to be able to configure Messages and such. Obviously would be dependent on Vault.

    There'd be permissions to sponsor certain things, and messages for no permission and insufficient balance.

    If possible, configurable Effects would be great too. Then you can configure pretty much everything the /effect command can control. This could make games interesting with spectators maybe even killing the players, or just helping them.

    Administrators should also be able to configure Item/Effect rarity. That way you could make something like a rotten flesh common, and a Gold apple rare.

    Ideas for commands: /sponsorhim reload (Reload the plugin. Self explanatory.)
    /sponsor [player] [type] (Sponsors the player. Gives the item/effect randomly based on the type picked. Can only choose Item or Effect)
    /sponsorhim (Displays information about the plugin and a help page. To credit you. Why not, right? This is optional)

    Any other commands you might find useful. As long as the plugin still has the core features I want and whatever you add can be enabled/disabled :) Maybe even add Config options to disable players being charged for sponsoring (if other servers would want to use this)

    Ideas for permissions: sponsorhim.admin (for reload)

    sponsorhim.sponsor (To sponsor players)

    Anything else you add would be something like the above examples

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can. I'm gonna be away for a week or so, so when I get back is a good time. No rush. :) I'm leaving tomorrow, and will be able to check the forums like once a day or so, so if you have questions, feel free to ask! (I'll probs be on at like 7PM EST (ish))
    yanperez likes this.
  2. Offline


    Hmm... Seems like no one wants to do this.

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