Static methods using a non-static abstract object's method?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by unenergizer, Apr 4, 2014.

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    Hello BukkitDev!

    My name is Andrew and I have been programming for a little more than 15 months. I am starting to really grasp the basics and create little programs that work and look polished. However I have ran into something new today that I can't find much on google about.

    I took 2 weeks to learn about a few different design patterens after creating this thread:

    I rewrote all the code from scratch again and I remade this version 100% event driven and I am also using the singleton pattern.

    Everything was going great, I have a fully featured lobby system that works great, but when I started to create mini-games is where things went south. I created an absctract minigame class. The subclass has methods and variables that setup the games and the kit contents. That code works fine, however I can Not create an object of my minigames in my instance classes.

    2. package com.minepile.mpmg;
    4. import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    5. import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    7. public class Arena {
    9. static Arena arenaInstance = new Arena();
    10. @SuppressWarnings("unused")
    11. private MPMG plugin;
    13. public static Arena getInstance() {
    14. return arenaInstance;
    15. }
    17. public void setup(MPMG plugin) {
    18. this.plugin = plugin;
    19. }
    21. public static void startGameSetup() {
    22. //Code goes here that selects the game to play
    24. //Now begin game setup
    25. MiniGame miniGame = new TeamDeathMatch();
    26. miniGame.setupGame();
    28. }
    30. }

    In the above code, the class can not use the following code:

    1. MiniGame miniGame = new TeamDeathMatch();
    2. miniGame.setupGame();

    How can I get around this? I googled and someone mentioned recursion. I know there has to be a better way of fixing this problem. If you have a better way logically to create the minigame classes then please share. I do not need code, just logic. Thank you for your help and insight.

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    I'm not really sure what you're getting at by this without being able to see the minigame and teamdeathmatch classes.
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    You did something wrong inside your minigame classes, static methods disallow to invoke nonstatic methods only of same class, there is no limit for other classes.
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    The classes that actually make up game code, are non-static.
    The classes that handle tracking, events, and universal data, are static.
    My arena class, which is static, refuses to make a non-static object.

    What are my options to get around this restriction?

    My fear right now, is I am not seeing a way to dynamically load in minigames. As I was writing the code for it, I was not aware of this restriction. My original plan does not work, because I can not use a method from a non-static class. I only want to load mini-game code into memory when the game is actually needed. This includes the maps for the games aswell. I don't want to keep them loaded into memory.

    Hopefully this helps anyone understand what is going on. Thanks for the help.
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    Okay I was able to solve this by not making my parent class abstract. I forgot that you could extend a class that wasn't abstract. I always manage to forget the little things, lol :D Thanks anyways guys.
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