Filled Team Kingdom

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by To175, Nov 6, 2014.

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    I have an idea of a fully configurable plugin for teams. :rolleyes:
    I have added few features for the moment.
    I need a developer to begin the project, I will add a lot of developers but now I need someone create the first file of plugin :p

    Someone can do just the aliases, messages of error and help ?

    Everything is on this page : :D

    Thanks you very much ! :)
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    So you want to have developers make a plugin for you and then put it on bukkitdev as your own project? .....
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 Page isn't accessible, probably because you made a project without uploading a file or even being to develop yourself.
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    WHQ Oh sorry, I didn't get that was YOUR project :eek:
    A project is NOT code, code and code. Everybody can code, and some of them can have good ideas. But this is clear if I say that the man who develops is the developer and the man who manage the project is... me !
    Maybe you didn't understand ;) => I ask for someone who only codes, nothing else :p So the dev' can have his name on the project of course. I'm nobody, I'm just trying to make a little community so dev' who have so much ego, to need such a detail, doesn't worth it. (I don't clap my fingers to get an idea !) Their names will be displayed like my name and other names on the page and they will have ALL donations.

    timtower Yes I don't have any file to upload :'( I don't know how to make the page visible :/
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    Still, you are claiming another persons project to be your own one.
    Just because you had the idea, it doesnt mean that it is your project. The developer is the correct owner of the project. You may be mentioned somewhere in the description but thats it.
    You cant just earn all the Curse Points by uploading the project of someone else.

    Also, you cannot just say a project is NOT just code, it pretty much is. The page has nothing to do with the project itself. A project page and a project are two different things.
    WHQ likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 You need a file before the page will be visible, been that way for a while now.
    And having a project without being able to maintain the file isn't a good idea.
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    mrCookieSlime Project + (translate the page)
    What is that ? I don't care of curse points. You eat curse points dude ?? You can buy a car with your curse points dude ?

    I just see I can add authors -_- so the only difference is that I can't add manager. Write lines of codes properly, is definitely not management of a project.

    timtower Ok thanks. It will be open source to dev' who want to help (everybody on the project's page)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 Then you get to the point that you still won't be able maintain it yourself, you really need to be able to do that.
    And the fact that nobody has a clue about what you want.
    mrCookieSlime likes this.
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    You do know that 'Project' has multiple meanings?
    Technically the page is a part of the project. However a project on Bukkit pretty much describes the actual plugin itself.

    And no I dont eat curse points but theoretically yes, you could buy a car with curse points. Curse Points are a reward system for Project Managers which rewards them with Points that can be exchanged for money.
    However, since you as just the person who came up with the idea do not contribute to the code of a project, you are basically earning money for the work of others.

    And indeed you can add authors. However the project basically is the property of the Project Manager. The Project Manager is often the person who contributed the most code to the project or made the initial contribution.

    Well "writing code" might not be "managing the project".
    However you as the manager technically own the project. If you just want to be mentioned and want to manage the page, ask the developer to add you as a "documenter" since that is the job you are describing and looking for.

    EDIT: As well as everything these ninjas Skionz and timtower said
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    Skionz mrCookieSlime He said he would give credit. He is correct that managing is different from writing code. The manager makes decisions. Just because here the manager usually writes code in addition does not mean that it is a requirement. There is no need to be rude.

    To175 You may want to put a description here so that we can see what it is. A 403 error does not tell us much. :p
    To175 likes this.
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    I think you are really missing the point here.
    The owner of a project can mention a person for coming up with the idea.
    But the person who came up with the idea IS NOT the owner of a project. It is the developer.
    The role he is describing is a 'Documenter'.

    Of course there may be one or two developers who would give him the permission to publish their project under his name. However, most developers still want to be the owner of their own Projects...
    timtower likes this.
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    Incase anyone forgot we still have no idea what you want.
    timtower likes this.
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    tjehu Thanks

    mrCookieSlime I have nothing to add because this is not correct to send quote as an answer, so I virtually re-sent the same massages which are above...

    However we are both (Me vs you guys) right (legit opinion).
    You don't want to be just "quoted" in the project, and I don't want too. You need to be spotted to have more work and I need too to develop my community. And I don't want to be a secondary actor because I'm not, I don't want to see the page and wondering "oh, there is a plugin described here with features etc... that was thought by me but I am only quoted at the right of the page" :eek:
    My mind results of dduyf, I asked for it, and the dev' just didn't put me on the page :confused:
    AND now he disappeared :mad: The plugin is not working as it must and the dev' doesn't answer... fantastic :confused:

    Skionz Yep, I don't know how does bukkit work :
    I put All right reserved because I don't want anybody stoll it.
    And I don't want someone stoll the features I have written :/
    Eventually I am afraid of dev' who sent message just to say "OH BAD BOY you did NOT searched ! It allready exists !"
    ... If I asked for such things it means that there is no other plugin which allow to do this !

    You meaned "pointS" ? Which one ?
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    To175 Everyone thinks there idea is good and that someone will steal it while in reality nobody will.
    Hawktasard likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 The developer has full rights, as the one with the idea you are pretty much powerless, you aren't able to update, you aren't able to add new features.
    And please remove me from the project, never said that I wasin. Won't be with the way you are doing things.
    mrCookieSlime likes this.
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    I meant point like a point. I was not talking about Curse Points...

    And you "dont want to be a secondary actor", even though all you did was coming up with the idea and maybe design the project page. Again if thats all you would do for the project, the perfect role for this would be 'Documenter'.
    And if a dev didnt mention you for coming up with the idea, it is not forbidden... It is his own decision whether he mentions you or not. However I always mention the people who came up with the idea because in my opinion proper credit is very important!

    And you really cannot say "There are no plugins like this". Some Plugins may be hard to find even though they are exactly what you want...
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    @timtowerI just added you to test if you could saw the pages.
    mrCookieSlime "All you did" -_- "all you would do" :eek: Look at page editor, there is every actor of project, not only the developer so... Manager is not dev' here...
    I understand now ! The dev' just did it to win points, and now his has abandoned it :confused:
    Hum. So, if I have no rights at all on my plugin, I will code it myself u_u
    It will be much far harder to find good tutorials which explain step by step, with nice presentation... x)
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    Yes, manager does not mean dev, however it isnt the appropriate role for you either.
    And yes, if you would code it on your own you would be able to call yourself manager and have all the rights.
    If you just want a plugin to be a project manager for, then you should really just create your own one.

    Not really. My advice:
    Just look for a basic tutorial and once you know the basics, google everything you want to know. For example "bukkit cancel block breaking". Google is your best friend when it comes to developement!
    To175 likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 You should have asked first.
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    Locked. You can create a plugin request but you cannot upload another persons work. If you want to create another plugin request be sure to make the main post detailed instead of linking off to a project.
    Crud41, timtower and To175 like this.
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