Teleporting to coordinates

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mgbeenieboy, Sep 2, 2014.

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    Hello, I want a small warp plugin. It's not a plugin where you can create warps and teleport to them. It's a plugin which says, if you type /example you will be teleported to world Sampleworld, X 100, Y 64, Z 124.

    p.teleport( this expects a location )

    But I don't know how to declare this variable?!
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    Anrza Isnt it:
    Location location= new Location(World, Double, Double, Double, Float, Float);
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    I tried a lot, but eclipse shows errors :(

    World plot_creative;
    Location gsc = new Location(plot_creative, 0, 65, 0);

    (It wanted me to create the variable for the world. I noticed that if I add the p.teleport(gsc), it also wants to initialize it.)

    And here

    Location gsc = new Location(World plot_creative, 0, 65, 0, 0.0, 0.0);

    "World" cannot be resolved. According to the apidocs page it is Location(World world, double x, double y, double z) which also won't work.
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    Sorry, you're right I mixed it up.
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    The Location() only requires the world name, x, y, and z coords, but the 2 floats are for pitch and yaw (Optional)
    Just thought I'd let you know.
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    mgbeenieboy I suggesting learning some Java first so you know how objects and methods work.
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    mgbeenieboy Yea, you should learn Java before starting coding (or at least before posting about your problems on Bukkit forums). You don't have to, but you wont have a lot of people spamming all your stupid-question-threads with stuff like "I suggest learning Java".
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