Towny Chat Help Needed

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by leonardrichards, Nov 17, 2014.

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    Hello, I need help configuring a custom Towny chat channel. I have a Dutch hosted server and there are a lot of Dutch players but having Dutch in the main chat annoys other people, So i made a Dutch chat channel. Now since anyone should be able to join the channel I've given the permissions to the Default group (using GroupManager). I need a way to restrict the visibility of the Dutch chat to the people in the chat only, so that the English speaking players don't see it.

    How can I do this? Please help.
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    If I were you I would keep the channels open, then have a broadcast every 30 minutes or so saying something like:
    "Dutch speakers: do /command and join the Dutch chat" but in the Dutch language.

    If the English are annoyed, they won't join the Dutch chat. That simple.
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    That's already done, but the problem is that the English players can still see the Dutch chat, because everyone has access to join the channel. So how can I restrict the general players who have not joined the dutch chat channel from seeing the dutch chat?
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    If they do not type something in to join the Dutch channel they should not see them speaking Dutch. Are you sure you have it set up correctly?
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    They type /d to join the dutch chat. I think I have.

    Here is my chat.yml :

    # This file contains all configuration data for channels
    # The formating for them remains in the Towny Config and world files
    # so they can still be used on a per world basis.

    # Channels are toggleable using any of the commands listed
    # eg. /tc (would put you in town chat)
    # doing it again would take you out
    # So long as you had the permission node for that channel.

    # The channel type is either GLOBAL, TOWN, NATION or DEFAULT.
    # These specify what chat formating section they will use
    # and where the chat will go
    # (town goes to all town residents, depending on the range setting)

    # channeltag is applied if the chat format for that channel has the {channelTag}

    # messagecolour sets the colour of the message when sent.

    # range is a setting which allows greater control over each channel.
    # this will set the maximum distance between players who can hear the message.
    # range is in blocks (if set to a limit).
    # -1 = no limits
    # 0 = same world only
    # any positive value = limited range in the same world.

    # Text colouring
    # --------------
    # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4
    # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8
    # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b
    # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f

    commands: [g]
    type: GLOBAL
    channeltag: ''
    messagecolour: '&f'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'

    commands: [tc]
    type: TOWN
    channeltag: '&f[&3TC&f]'
    messagecolour: '&3'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'

    commands: [nc]
    type: NATION
    channeltag: '&f[&6NC&f]'
    messagecolour: '&e'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'

    commands: [a,admin]
    type: DEFAULT
    channeltag: '&f[&cADMIN&f]'
    messagecolour: '&c'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'

    commands: [m,mod]
    type: DEFAULT
    channeltag: '&f[&6MOD&f]'
    messagecolour: '&6'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'

    commands: [l,lc]
    type: GLOBAL
    channeltag: '&7[L]'
    messagecolour: '&7'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '100'

    commands: [h,hc]
    type: DEFAULT
    channeltag: '&f[&2HSA&f] '
    messagecolour: '&2'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'

    commands: [d, dutch]
    type: DEFAULT
    channeltag: '&f[&aDUTCH&f] '
    messagecolour: '&a'
    permission: ''
    craftIRCTag: 'admin'
    range: '-1'
  6. Offline


    Since I'm allowed to bump this thread now, Can someone please help me out? People on my server are getting really annoyed and I can't find a way to keep both sectors of the populace happy with how things are right now.
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    You will want to set up some manner of skript or command helper that gives and takes the dutch/english chat nodes.

    In TownyChat, if you have the node and you are in range of the player speaking, you will see the chat.

    Set up some command which gives the dutch node, sends the player into the dutch channel, then takes away the english node. Then another command to undo that and switch to english.
  8. Offline


    Is there any other chat plugin that enables me to do this?
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    Someone help me :/
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    Bumping since I am still stuck here with my problem.
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    You could consider downloading an alternate plugin that does chat editing and adds chat channels like Herochat for example and then remove Townychat. Herochat allows full customization of the chat, adds custom chat channels, passwords and more. Maybe something to look into. (
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