Tutorial [Tutorial] Spawning a custom wolf

Discussion in 'Resources' started by AoH_Ruthless, Mar 22, 2014.

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    For my custom KitPvP plugin, I wanted certain items to have "magical" abilities attached to them. One of these abilities was to spawn a custom wolf with a specified owner and properties.

    This tutorial covers how to spawn a wolf, set it's owner, name, collar color and more.

    1. Making the Ability Class. You can edit this class to your liking because it has a lot of methods that aren't required (Ex: I have a check to make sure the player's item in hand is a bone).

    1. import java.util.Random;
    3. import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
    4. import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
    5. import org.bukkit.Material;
    6. import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
    7. import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    8. import org.bukkit.entity.Wolf;
    9. import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
    11. /**
    12. * @author Anand
    13. *
    14. */
    15. public class AbilitySummon
    16. {
    17. public static void summonWolf(Player p) {
    18. if (!isBone(p))
    19. return;
    21. // Spawn anywhere between 1 and 4 wolves.
    22. Random rand = new Random();
    23. int amount = rand.nextInt(4) + 1;
    24. for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
    25. spawnWolf(p);
    26. }
    28. // Remove the bone.
    29. p.getInventory().removeItem(new ItemStack[] {new ItemStack(Material.BONE, 1)});
    30. }
    32. public static void spawnWolf(Player p) {
    33. Wolf wolf = (Wolf) p.getWorld().spawnEntity(p.getLocation(), EntityType.WOLF);
    35. // Just to make sure it's a normal wolf.
    36. wolf.setAdult();
    37. wolf.setTamed(true);
    38. wolf.setOwner(p);
    40. // We don't want extra wolves.
    41. wolf.setBreed(false);
    43. // Clarify the owner.
    44. wolf.setCustomName(ChatColor.YELLOW + p.getName() + "'s Wolf");
    45. wolf.setCustomNameVisible(true);
    47. // Let's have a little bit of variation
    48. wolf.setCollarColor(randomizeColor());
    50. // Misc.
    51. wolf.setHealth(wolf.getMaxHealth());
    52. wolf.setCanPickupItems(false);
    53. }
    55. // Check if the player's item is a bone.
    56. public static boolean isBone(Player p) {
    57. return (p.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.BONE);
    58. }
    60. // Getting the data is deprecated.
    61. @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
    62. /*
    63.   * Each Dyecolor (Black, Blue, Red, etc..) has it's own byte attached to it.
    64.   */
    65. public static DyeColor randomizeColor() {
    66. Random random = new Random();
    67. int color = random.nextInt(16);
    69. for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    70. if (i == color)
    71. return DyeColor.getByData((byte) i);
    72. continue;
    73. }
    74. return null;
    75. }
    76. }

    2. Making the PlayerInteractEvent which will spawn the Wolf. I am not going to be doing any checks because your summonWolf(Player p) {} method does this already. Also, I will not be covering event registration because that is basic knowledge that you are expected to know.

    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
    3. Player p = e.getPlayer();
    4. AbilitySummon.summonWolf(p);
    5. }


    I hope this tutorial helped you! (Ignore the scoreboard in picture)
    I just showed one way of customizing your wolves, but there are so many options! You can add potion effects, set the age, and more!
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    What is the class AbilityUtil?
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    That's a good question. It's just a util class I made for all abilities I have in my KitPvP plugin. For that class, it just sets a random. I'll edit it to reflect what I'm actually giving. Thanks :)
  6. Offline


    never knew you could customize doggy collars xD
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    You learn something new every day!
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    haha thanks ^-^ This will help a lot in customizing mobs in my upcoming plugin
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    Just a couple pieces of advice:

    1. In the DyeColor picker, you don't need the 'continue' in the for loop; it automatically continues by itself in your case.

    2. You can actually make your DyeColor picker a LOT shorter and make it always return an actual DyeColor (never null) like this:
    public static DyeColor getRandomDyeColor() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        return DyeColor.values()[rand.nextInt(DyeColor.values().length)];
    That same method can be adjusted to pick a random value from any enumeration (enum) that has at least 1 value. I use it a lot myself actually.

    3. Here's something else I use that helps repeat the same code. The first method is a cast of the second method, which picks a random from a generic enum (for easy implementation of two or more random pickers):
    private static final Random rand = new Random();
    public static DyeColor getRandomDyeColor() {
        return (DyeColor)getRandomEnum(DyeColor.class);
    private static <E extends Enum<E>> Object getRandomEnum(Class<E> c) {
        return c.getEnumConstants()[rand.nextInt(c.getEnumConstants().length)];
    //you would then use this to call the method (Utils is the name of the class that contains the above code)
    Just a couple suggestions to make your life easier down the road.

    Have fun!
    AoH_Ruthless likes this.
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    I had just figured put last night that looping through is unnecessary but #laziness...

    That is some nice advice for getting a random enum!
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