Solved use this.plugin inside a static method?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by minepress, Aug 19, 2014.

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    Hi all,

    Getting a bit confused as to how I can execute this.plugin = plugin; inside a static method.

    1. public class Monster {
    3. //Include this.plugin
    4. private Minevolve plugin;
    6. public Monster(Minevolve plugin) {
    7. this.plugin = plugin; // Store the plugin in situations where you need it.
    8. }
    10. public static void monsterLevel(int level, Player p) {
    12. Disguise monster1 = new Disguise(Minevolve.dcAPI.newEntityID(),"LEVEL:" + level, DisguiseType.Cow);
    13. Disguise monster2 = new Disguise(Minevolve.dcAPI.newEntityID(),"LEVEL:" + level, DisguiseType.MushroomCow);
    14. Disguise monster3 = new Disguise(Minevolve.dcAPI.newEntityID(),"LEVEL:" + level, DisguiseType.Wither);
    15. Disguise monster4 = new Disguise(Minevolve.dcAPI.newEntityID(),"LEVEL:" + level, DisguiseType.EnderDragon);
    17. EntityRegainHealthEvent healthboost = new EntityRegainHealthEvent(p, 20.0, RegainReason.REGEN);
    18. double playercount = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().length;
    19. switch (level) {
    20. case 1:
    21. healthboost.setAmount(25 * playercount);
    22. this.plugin.dcAPI.disguisePlayer(p, monster4);
    23. p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Congratulations. You have Evolved." + level);
    24. p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "This is your final form. You're now Bigger and as a result slower.");
    25. p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "But you are MUCH Stronger.");
    27. return;

    This is a SMALL snippet. I'm getting the error on this.plugin.dcAPI.disguisePlayer(p, monster4); Cannot use in static context.

    I would appreciate an explanation :) Thanks guys
  2. minepress You can't. I'd recommend you don't use static if you don't know what it does. :)
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    I know what static means. But I can't think of a logical way to tackle this.

    edit: I had the include as private -.- made public
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    Put your monsterLevel() method inside a different class, pass the plugin instance through the constructor, remove static, and then you can just call monsterLevel() with an instance of your new class. If you only want one instance of that class, then just use a singleton instance.
    minepress likes this.
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    Well if you know what static means why don't you make the plugin static?...
    KingFaris11 likes this.
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    Just turning it static doesn't work. I tried already, listening to the IDE isn't always the solution. Lactem explained it Perfectly.
  7. Offline


    Glad I could help! You should mark the thread as "solved" at the top.
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    Thanks Lactem, Instances was actually one of the first things I learnt when going through tutorials on Oracle. It slipped my mind. Appreciate it.

    Changed to solved.
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    minepress Yep, that silly core java concept is always slipping peoples' minds, isn't it?
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    Yep that cocky waste of a post from an ego driven Java Dev is really appropriate, isn't it?
  11. minepress He was just trying to make the point that it's jot really the sort of thing that just 'slips your mind', so perhaps you don't have enough experience and should learn more of the Java basics :)
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