Vault API is there a way i can check when player receive money?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EnchantedMiners, Oct 21, 2014.

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    So what i want to know is if there is a way to check when the player receive money like an event so when the player receive money it change the amount to double ?
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    Depends on what 'money' is in your context. There are probably hundreds of different plugins that claim some sort of currency or money. This means that there are even more ways a player could get this money. Vault may be a good place to start.
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    RingOfStorms my title says Vault API 0.0, i think that it means i use Vault API
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    After a cursory glance at Vault, I'm not seeing a way to 'listen' for a player to receive money.

    Maybe Sleaker could provide a more positive response.
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    FerusGrim You could take the current implementation of Vault's Economy (get however you'd like), and wrap it in an implementation that fires an Event on the method call, then set the wrapped implementation for others to use (the same way Vault sets the implementation)
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    You could make a scheduler that goes off every few seconds that saves all player's balances on the server. Each time it goes off, compare the previous balance to the current one. If it is different, do whatever you need to do. Then save the current balance again. This might be an iffy way of doing it but it would work.

    EDIT: I just reread your post and you said you wanted to double the amount the player receives. After checking if the balance has changed, if money was added, add that amount to the player's balance.
  7. EnchantedMiners I don't remember how it was done nor do I remember where he posted it, but fireblast709 made a simple plugin that did this - why not ask him ;)
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