What plugin can do this?!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by wowzersam, Apr 14, 2014.

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    I need a plugin that does /rankup AND HAS MULTIPLE LADDERS. I've tried Prison-Rankup (which is what I currently use) However I need a ladder for DONORS. Paidranks almost works, it just doesn't rank you up. Rankup simply will NOT work. Any other plugins that can do multiple ladders? If anyone knows PLEASE respond! Thanks :3
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    Wrong section go to plugin request
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    RiZerMan This isn't a plugin request, I'm asking for a plugin that is ALREADY made
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    Onlineids If you read my thread, you would have known I already tried paid ranks, and it didn't work.
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    Only plugin that supports rank ladders if you can't get it to work then your out of luck, if you are trying to make it so you can add donors to other groups this isnt possible, everyone asks about that.
  7. For rank ladders wouldnt PermissionsEx help in this case?
  8. Offline


    Onlineids Sure it's possible. If I can create a separate ladder that is. Simply have 26 different ranks each having the same donor perms. OR of course, one could simply add permissions to a player (which is what I may have to do). But for the Donor ladder you could have something like

    Cost: 100000

    Each of which have donor perks. I don't see how this would be impossible..but all I know is that none of the plugins work.
  9. Offline


    If none of the plugins work which are 4 different well coded plugins, why wouldnt they just implement what your saying?

    Also I have used paid ranks before and what your saying has worked so its not the plugin but how you are configuring it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  10. Offline


    Onlineids Bukkit updated, therefore, many plugins are broken. I was just wondering if there was a working plugin which could implement multiple ladders, and how long ago did you use paid ranks? A lot could have changed.
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