Anti Forcefield

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by mig4ng, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Is there any plugin that is against Forcefield, like checks if the player is looking at the entity (mob/player) and only let you do 1 attack each 1/2 seconds?

    If yes redirect, else can somebody create it?
  2. Offline


  3. i think it don't block
  4. it blocks all hacks that exist atm and even some big mods
  5. Offline


    No it does not
    XlegitXcrazymanX and chakyl like this.
  6. Offline


    You make a better 1 then, NCP is the closest you will get.
  7. Offline


    Yes it does.
    GravedigginSearchBar likes this.
  8. Offline


    DarkPizzaX Ever heared of vclip?
    I never said it was bad just that it didnt block ALL hacks i even suggested it..
    WinX64 likes this.
  9. Offline


    Vclip is blocked by vanilla server, unless the player is in freecam mode, in which case they can't do anything except look behind walls. Xray has similar function.
    True, but it blocks everything it can. It can't possibly block client-side hacks that don't directly affect player's actions, like freecam, xray, cave finder, rear view, waypoints, tracers, ESP, wallhack, radar, minimap, weather, day, fullbright, and others. No plugin can do that. But it blocks enough hacks so that cheaters have little advantage over legitimate players, making cheating less... uhh... profitable? It takes up a lot of cpu power though.
  10. Offline


    I think he was meaning it blocks all hacks the bukkit is capable of blocking.
  11. Offline


    NoCheat+ has such a check called Fight_Speed:

    The config looks like this:
          active: true
          limit: 15
          actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel
            ticks: 7
            limit: 6
    Be sure that a player does more then 1 hit per second. If you click your mouse multiple times you can come up to 10 or more (depends).

    NC+ blocks the server side exploiots of the forcefield/killaura hacks, so lets disassemble this kind of hack to see what it actually does:
    FightSpeed: Modifying fight speed to a higher limit to deal more damage to players
    Reach: Modifying the reach limit of the Minecraft client to hit players that are over 4 or more blocks away
    Aimbot: Auto aim for a player that gets near the killaura/forcefield hacker

    Now what NC+ does against that:
    FightSpeed: Limit that to 15 hits per second [NC+ Fight_Speed]
    Reach: Limits: The reach distance a player can use to hit other entities [NC+ Fight_Reach]
    Aimbot: NC+ will give penaltys if a player trys too fast around again, agian and again [NC+ Fight_Yawrate]
    - The new forcefield/killaura hacks are now careful on how fast they turn around :)

    There are also other checks for fight:

    vClip should be blocked by craftbukkit already with ([Server] WARNING MyPictures moved wrongly!), however NC+ should block that also (I didn't show in the video because it got already blocked by CB).

    Some other plugin that could be interesting:
    Rader, Tracer and all player related locating stuff:
  12. I use it right this:
    active: true
    limit: 10
    actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel
    ticks: 7
    limit: 6
    Still works forcefield.
    PS: i tested with a non admin/non op account.
  13. Offline


    What exactly works? What's your CB and NC+ version?

    We only block the critical parts of the forcefield/killaura hack which is reach and fight speed. The client can still use a aimbot to aim for entities and we cant block that because its client side. Fight_Speed checks for "hits per second" so it blocks everyone who goes over the limit.

    Minecraft is not the only game that has problems with aimbots, a lot of other games have this issue also. Its just not possible to check the client for installed "mods/hacks".
  14. Do you have skype or something like that?
    I'm using this version :
    and Craftbukkit 1.4.4
    and this config file:
    # Configuration generated by NoCheatPlus 3.8.1-RC-b244.
    savebackconfig: true
      active: true
      debug: false
      console: true
      file: true
      filename: nocheatplus.log
      ingamechat: true
      allowclientmods: false
      opinconsoleonly: false
      protectplugins: true
      managelisteners: true
      reporttometrics: true
        duration: 0
        history: false
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:5:if cancel
          active: true
          delay: 90
          intervalsurvival: 100
          grace: 2000
          actions: cancel vl>0 log:fastbreak:3:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          intervalcreative: 95
          intervalsurvival: 45
            ticks: 5
            limit: 7
          actions: cancel vl>5 log:bbfrequency:3:5:if cancel vl>60 log:bbfrequency:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfrequency
          active: true
          actions: log:noswing:3:2:f cancel vl>2 log:noswing:3:2:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
          active: true
          level: 10
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:bwrong:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:bwrong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickwb
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel
          active: true
          experimental: true
          interval: 95
          actions: cancel vl>100 log:fastplace:3:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: log:noswing:3:2:f cancel vl>2 log:noswing:0:2:if cancel
          active: true
          interval: 45
          actions: cancel vl>150 log:bpspeed:3:5:if cancel vl>1000 log:bpspeed:3:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          actions: log:color:0:1:if cancel
          active: true
          exclusions: []
          - /me
          level: 10
            ticks: 18
            level: 3
          actions: log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcommands vl>20 log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmd:tempkick1
          active: false
          characters: abcdefghjkmnpqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTUVWXYZ2346789
          length: 6
          question: '&e>>>
            &e>>> &cPor favor digita o seguinte codigo ''&6[captcha]&c'' de forma a poderes enviar mensagens/comandos.
          success: '&aOk, podes proseguir.'
          tries: 3
          actions: cancel cmd:kickcaptcha vl>4 log:captcha:2:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcaptcha
          active: true
              minimum: 0.0
              factor: 0.9
              weight: 6
              level: 160
              actions: cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>7 log:chatnormal:0:5:f cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>20 log:chatnormal:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchatnormal vl>40 log:chatnormal:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat5
              minimum: 2.0
              factor: 0.7
              weight: 3.0
              level: 20.0
              actions: log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchatfast vl>20 log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat1 vl>40 log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat5
            lettercount: 1.0
            partition: 1.0
            uppercase: 1.0
            afterjoin: 1.5
            nomoving: 1.5
            repeatviolation: 1.0
            repeatglobal: 1.0
            repeatself: 1.5
              lengthav: 1.0
              lengthmsg: 1.0
              noletter: 0.0
            active: true
            weight: 1.0
              active: false
              active: false
              active: false
            active: true
              active: false
              active: false
              active: false
          active: true
          level: 67
          message: '&e>>>
            &e>>> &cPor favor &eabranda as mensagens no &cchat, &eou poderas ser kickado &cpor spam.
          timeout: 10
          active: true
          timeout: 5000
            message: '&cEntraste muito rapido! Se continuares a fazer isso poderas ser banido.'
            number: 1
            timeout: 60000
          kickmessage: Reentraste muito rapido, tenta esperar para a proxima.
          actions: log:relog:0:10:cf cancel vl>20 log:relog:0:10:cf cancel cmd:tempkick5
          active: true
          startupdelay: 300
          perworldcount: false
          seconds: 10
          limit: 6
          kickmessage: Muita gente a entrar, espera um pouco.
          active: true
          level: 300
          actions: cancel log:improbable:2:8:if
          active: true
            always: false
            falldistance: true
            join: -1
          - FALL
            all: 0
          rate: 380
            factor: 1.0
            minimum: 250
            maximum: 2000
          improbable: true
        canceldead: true
          active: true
          active: true
          threshold: 50
          actions: cancel vl>100 log:angle:3:5:f cancel vl>250 log:angle:0:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          falldistance: 0.01
          velocity: 0.1
          actions: cancel vl>50 log:critical:0:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          penalty: 500
          actions: cancel vl>5 log:fdirection:3:5:f cancel vl>20 log:fdirection:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:fdirection:0:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          actions: log:godmode:2:5:if cancel
          active: true
          interval: 50
          actions: cancel vl>50 log:knockback:0:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          actions: log:noswing:0:5:f cancel vl>1 log:noswing:0:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          penalty: 500
          reduce: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:freach:2:5:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: log:fselfhit:0:5:if cancel vl>10 log:fselfhit:0:5:icf cancel cmd:kickselfhit
          active: true
          limit: 10
          actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel
            ticks: 7
            limit: 6
          active: true
          limit: 100
          timeframe: 20
          actions: log:drop:0:1:cif cancel cmd:dropkick:0:1
          active: true
          sparecreative: true
          actions: cancel vl>50 log:fastclick:3:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          strict: true
          delay: 130
          actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:5:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: log:instanteat:2:5:if cancel
          active: true
          active: true
          ignoreallowflight: false
          ignorecreative: false
          horizontalspeed: 100
          maxheight: 128
          verticalspeed: 100
          actions: log:flyshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel
          active: true
          dealdamage: true
          active: true
          actions: cancel vl>10 log:passable:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:passable:0:5:icf cancel
          active: true
            vertical-accounting: true
          actions: log:flyshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel
      angle: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit multiple entities at the same time. VL [violations].'
      ban: tempban [player] 60m Uso de Hacks/Cheats
      ban-ip: banip [ip] Uso de Hacks/Cheats
      bbfrequency: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break too many blocks within time frame. VL [violations].'
      bdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of his line of sight. VL [violations].'
      bpspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to throw projectiles too quickly. VL [violations].'
      breach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block over distance [reachdistance] block(s). VL [violations].'
      bwrong: '[player] failed [check]: broke another block than clicked. VL [violations].'
      captcha: '[player] failed captcha repeatedly. VL [violations].'
      color: '[player] failed [check]: sent colored chat message. VL [violations].'
      commands: '[player] failed [check]: issued too many commands. VL [violations].'
      combspeed: '[player] failed [check]: performs different actions at very high speed. VL [violations].'
      critical: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a critical hit but wasn''t technically jumping. VL [violations].'
      drop: '[player] failed [check]: tried to drop more items than allowed. VL [violations].'
      dropkick: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Dropping items too fast.
      fastbreak: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break blocks ([blockid]) faster than possible. VL [violations].'
      fastclick: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move items in his inventory too quickly. VL [violations].'
      fastplace: '[player] failed [check]: tried to place too many blocks. VL [violations].'
      fdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit an entity out of line of sight. VL [violations].'
      flyshort: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move unexpectedly. VL [violations].'
      flylong: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move from [locationfrom] to [locationto] over a distance of [distance] block(s). VL [violations].'
      freach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack entity out of reach. VL [violations].'
      fselfhit: '[player] failed [check]: tried to self-hit. VL [violations].'
      fspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack with too high a frequency. VL [violations].'
      chatnormal: '[player] failed [check]: potentially annoying chat. VL [violations].'
      godmode: '[player] failed [check]: avoided taking damage or lagging. VL [violations].'
      improbable: '[player] failed [check]: meets the improbable more than expected. VL [violations].'
      instantbow: '[player] failed [check]: fires bow too fast. VL [violations].'
      instanteat: '[player] failed [check]: eats food [food] too fast. VL [violations].'
      kick: kick [player] Uso de Hacks/Cheats
      kickcommands: kick [player] Spam de commandos, Acalma-te e volta a entrar!
      kickchatfast: kick [player] Spam no chat, Acalma-te e volta a entrar!
      kickchat1: kick [player] Spam no chat, Acalma-te e volta a entrar!
      kickchat5: kick [player] Spam no chat, Acalma-te e volta a entrar!
      kickcaptcha: kick [player] Tens de introduzir o Captcha!
      kickfrequency: kick [player] Que tal fazeres isso menos vezes?
      kickchatnormal: kick [player] Muitas mensagens no chat, acalma-te.
      kickselfhit: kick [player] Isso deve cansar!
      kickwb: kick [player] Parte os blocos mais devagar!
      knockback: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a knockback but wasn''t technically sprinting. VL [violations].'
      morepackets: '[player] failed [check]: sent [packets] more packet(s) than expected. VL [violations].'
      nofall: '[player] failed [check]: tried to avoid fall damage for ~[falldistance] block(s). VL [violations].'
      chatfast: '[player] failed [check]: acted like spamming (IP: [ip]). VL [violations].'
      noswing: '[player] failed [check]: didn''t swing arm. VL [violations].'
      passable: '[player] failed [check]: moved into a block ([blockid]). VL [violations].'
      relog: '[player] failed [check]: relogs too fast. VL [violations].'
      tellchatnormal: ncp tell [player] &cDemasiadas mensagens seguidas, abranda...
      tempkick1: tempban [player] 1m Espera um minuto e volta a entrar!
      tempkick5: tempban [player] 5m Tens 5 minutos para pensares no que fizeste!
        - WOODEN_DOOR
        - TRAP_DOOR
  15. I happen to be a Nodus user, and I will tell you what I can use with nocheat+:
    Sprint Hacks
    I can glitch fly up 2 blocks (say I am stuck in a hole)
    I can vclip down 5 blocks
    I can use aimbot, and forcefield
    I can use xray, wall hack, tracers
    The large things I cannot use:
    I cannot use fly.
    I glitch sometimes when I use sprint hacks
    I cannot use nuker
    I cannot use build mode
    I am sure their are other ones, a lot even but NC+ doesn't stop that many hacks. Its still better then nothing though.
    I mean, I used it on my server
  16. Offline


    Are you sure that you enabled all NoCheatPlus' checks? When I tried it, I can't even fly 1.5 blocks; and forcefield is quickly detected. And nodus doesn't have vclip mod (hack). Vclip is turned on if you enable both freecam and fly mods. If that's what you're doing, you should be able to go as far away as you want. Except it won't download new chunks.
  17. I have done it on over 20 servers...... Big ones to.
  18. That's not the point, the point is, does anyone sucessfully blocked forcefield with nc+?
  19. Offline


    vClip blocked by CraftBukkti and NC+: I cant vclip 5 down or up
    Aimbot - Forcefield = A mix of client side and server side. Server side stuff such as: Fight_Speed, Fight_Angle are blocked but aimboting is client side and we cant check client side hacks.
    xRay, wall hack, tracers: Use Orebfuscator and PlayersInCubes (Tracers are client side)
    SprintHacks: As far as I know Nodus uses the same sprint speed you have in vanilla sprint.

    I think NC+ nearly covers everything that is possible to abuse in Minecraft. Of course we cant check client side hacks like aimbots or forcefield, we can just check the behaviour of players in the server. For example if they attack someone with 300 hits per second then NC+ will start alerting and cancelling. Minecraft is not the only game that has problems with Aimbots, nearly every game that has pvp/pve aspect does.
    Forcefield is not just 1 hack, it uses a bunch of cheats so its like a combined hack. If a Forcefield stays under the given fight limits by NC+ then its not that powerful anymore. If course the hacker will still have advantage but at least the hacker can still be killed by other players.

    Most server still use Build 207 which is already outdated, if you use NC+ on your server then it HAS to be UpToDate. So checking weekly for updates is a good idea.

    Check here:
    1mpre55 likes this.
  20. Offline


    vclip is NOT noclip. Noclip is when you are able to freely pass through walls etc, vclip however is just what it should sound like: Vertical clipping. It allows you to move vertically up or down the specified number of blocks, including passing through floors/ceilings. I often vclip 10 whilst holding W to get out of holes I've fallen or jumped into.
  21. Offline


    I'm pretty sure that should count as moving too quickly/flying.
  22. (I deleted a lot out of your reply to save room...)
    Anyways: I can use my hacks to the best ability. :D
  23. Offline


    Check them here if you want: <-- TestNCP is the debugging tool which tells you everything.
  24. Hack the server that stops hacking, Okay then.

    I was able to do everything I could do normally. :eek:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  25. Offline


    Do you use freecam or something? Whats your InGame name?
  26. I used everything I could use, On a server with NC+....
  27. Offline


    Freecam: ClientSide, so you can do everything if freecam is on.
  28. Not using freecam? xD
  29. Offline


    Just give me your ingame name, I check the logs for you then.

    I just tried again vCliping with Nodus and it didn't work, so would be nice if you could show me this closer.
  30. With all due respect due to the fact that I use nodus on servers. I will DECLINE the offer! xD

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