Battle Dome

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by pandawhite5, Apr 28, 2013.

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    Battle Dome is a Where your team and the enemy team fight in a glass dome. Each team starts off with nothing but 1 Obsidian(The Flag) You will have 15 mins to build a base and get ready for battle known as the "Build-Phase" You are not allowed to go to the enemy's side during those 15 mins. Once the 15 mins are up, you will be allowed to enter enemy's side to kill or destroy the obsidian. This is known as "Battle Phase"
    If you still don't have a clear idea of what Battle Dome is, here is a example video(You don't have to watch the whole thing cause it's long, just fast forward. Its a hour long):
    How to win:
    - Kill all enemies
    - Destroy enemy team's Obsidian
    Rules: No entering the Enemy's side during Build-Phase
    - No team Killing
    What I want this plugin to be like:
    - When joining game, names should change color to red or blue to represent team(first blue, then red, then blue again, ETC.)
    - Unable to kill your teammates
    - Unable to destroy dome. Only whats inside the dome
    - Unable to enter enemy's side during Build-Phase, kill, or destroy other team's obsidian.
    - Fully automatic games, able to restart the arena after game is done. Without restarting server
    - Mutiple games can be played at the same time. once game has at least 3 people on each side, Everyone can vote to start game. 50% must type a command like /BD VOTE to start game - or OP's can manually start the game even if theres not 3 people on each side
    - Joining games at the click at a sign(make this similar to the plugin SurvivalGames)
    - If a team doesn't place their obsidian by the time Build-phase is over, a random Obsidian will appear on the team who didn't place it down side
    - If anyone dies in Build-Phase, they will be able to respawn at the Arena spawn(which OP's have to set) but when Battle-Phase starts, only 1 life then there kicked from the round
    - When Battle-Phase starts, every 30 seconds we should be able to see the coordinates to all players and obsidians - to avoid campers or if they put it underground in random places
    -Build-Phase should be 15mins, Battle-Phase is 30 mins. If game still hasn't been finished, the round should automatically restart and everyone in the round will be kicked(not banned) to avoid very long games
    - During Build-Phase, players should get warnings every 5 mins about when Battle-Phase will start - 15 mins till Battle-Phase, 10 mins till Battle-Phase, 5 mins till Battle-Phase, 60 seconds till Battle-Phase, 30 seconds till Battle-Phase, 15 seconds till Battle-Phase, 10-1 till Battle-Phase
    - Have commands - Commands should only work in arena, so the area when you create the glass dome

    Player Commands:
    /bd help - To see all Commands for BattleDome
    /bd spawn - return to Arena Spawn
    /bd surface - if your underground
    /bd vote - Vote to start the game
    /bd leave - Leave the game
    /bd join <id> - Joins the game <id>
    /list - Shows a list of players dead and alive players (only ingame)
    /bd spectate <id> - spectate a game
    Admin Commands:
    /bd setarenaspawn <id> - Sets the arena spawn
    /bd createarena - Creates a new arena in your region selected with world edit
    /bd setlobbyspawn - Set the spawn point for dead players
    /bd addwall <arena> - Sets the signs you have selected with worldedit as a lobbywall.
    /bd disable <gameid> - Disable a game and force reset it (forces the arena rollback to run, useful if a crash or server shutdown occurs while a game is running. Also allows you to make changes the the arena.
    /bd disable - Disabled every arena at once
    /bd enable <gameid> - renable a disabled game
    /bd enable - enable all games
    /bd start - Force Start the game your in
    /bd start <arenaid> <time> - Force a game to start <arenaid> is the arena # and the <time> is how long the countdown is
    Thank You.
  2. Offline


    I really hope to see many servers with this game on it!!! I'm making my own one for me and my friends! I hope there will be soon a command pack for this!
  3. Offline


    D: Really? If you create the plugin, can you message me it or something? Please? :D
  4. Offline


    Sorry if I cofused you... but is meant I'm just building the lay out of the server not the plugin :oops:
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    I'm starting development! Please check back for updates!
  7. Offline


    I'd like to join this development team
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    CeramicTitan likes this.
  9. Offline


    I actually have been trying to configure the walls plugin so it will be like Battle-Dome. But this will hopefully work. If you dont mind i have everything set up for my server for battledome. i just need to make the arenas. Maybe we could team up and make my server the first ever Battle dome server?

    <Removed double post - Use edit button to edit your post - Necrodoom>
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    Created a Battle Dome plugin

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