Deleting a file from a world folder

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ThunderWaffeMC, Jul 9, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I'm trying to delete a file from the world folder with:

    2. World playerworld = Bukkit.getWorld(player.getName() + "-world");
    3. File uiddatafile = new File(playerworld.getWorldFolder().getPath() + "/uid.dat");
    4. uiddatafile.delete();

    And it doesn't do anything. Does anyone know how to do this simply in the same format as what I have done?

  2. Offline


    It might have something to do with the fact it's being accessed/used by the server?
    Maybe try it on another computer/host?
    On some you can delete something while it's in use, in others you can't (I believe)
  3. Offline


    Yeah - the issue is that it's loaded into the server... there's nothing you can do about that.
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