How to get all console output?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Paxination, Jan 29, 2014.

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    I need to copy console output to several connections.

    I fount this

    And it sorta works. It doesnt redirect ALL output from console. Some things are still missing. Which didnt make sense to me as I figured System.out would be ALL output.

    Then I fount this...

    And withWolvereness suggestion in that thread, I made a handler and added it to all 3 of the loggers.

    Isnt working either, in the publish() method I send record.getMessage() to a method in my class that sends it out via


    Doesnt show anything from the loggers at all.

    I am trying to create my own version of Rcon. Rcon is too limited. I only see output when I issue a command. I want to be able to see all output as if I am connected to my server's desktop.

    Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
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    Bump. Does anybody have a solution?
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