I can't find this specific type of spawn plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by drw23, Jun 21, 2014.

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    I can't find a spawn plugin that has a different /spawn for each world and has a configurable warm-up. I thought it would be easy to find this type of plugin, but i couldn't find one.
  2. drw23 Try Essentials and EssentialsSpawn
    btw I can make you a spawn plugin if those dosent work !
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  4. Offline


    Herbert_The_Pervert I am a non-essentials user, and I also have been searching for spawn plugins for a while, could you please make me one Herbert? I just want a /spawn for multiple worlds(So if i type /spawn in my factions world i go to the factions world spawn, and if I type /spawn in my minigames world, i will go to my minigames spawn), /setspawn, and a warmup, preferably configurable for how long it is, but if not, 3 seconds. Thanks in advance :)
  5. Offline


    drw23 I'm making this for you now

    drw23 Here you go:

    The permission required to set the spawn for the world that a player is standing in to the location that they are standing at is perworldspawns.set The command to do so is /setspawn

    To visit the spawn for the world that you are standing in, type /spawn

    The teleport delay, in seconds can be set in the config under 'Wait'. You must reload the plugin for this to take effect.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  6. Offline


    Why not use Multiverse and do /mv setspawn?
  7. Offline


    dsouzamatt Thanks for making this for me! I don't want to sound greedy and take advantage of you, but I wanted it so if they type /spawn, they have to stand still for the 3 seconds, because I don't want people to use this command the second they are "out of combat" and then keep running away. But you have exactly the right idea! Thanks.
  8. Offline


    drw23 i can make this for you to what you said

  9. Offline


    mactown21 That would be cool, now I want to learn how to make plugins so I can do this for others, you guys act like it's no big deal :D
  10. Offline


    drw23 any specific commands or permissions? That would help alot to see wiether or not your using essentials.
  11. Offline


    mactown21 Omg sorry for late reply I forgot to check back, commands are /spawn, /setspawn, permissions are to do /spawn, and to /setspawn, and no I'm not using essentials. A /spawn for each world, and a configurable warm-up time, in which you cannot move during the warm-up time or it will be cancelled. This extra feature is certainly not needed, but if they are in the nether and they type /spawn, I want them to go to the root world. Thanks in advance.
  12. Offline


    drw23 Sure, I can add that
  13. Offline


    dsouzamatt i was already done with the plugin, i was finishing up the schedule and player velocity. But i guess you can continue. I can just delete the project or upload it to bukkit.
  14. Offline


    drw23 Here you go. The download link is the same, but I'll post it again for you in any case:

    If a player moves while waiting to be teleported the teleportation will be cancelled and they will receive a message telling them that this is the case.

    Also, if you want to learn to code here's a great video series which teaches you Java, with a particular focus on Bukkit:

    I only started learning a couple of months ago, and already look what I can do! :p

    mactown21 If you're nearly done, please, upload your version too! There's nothing wrong with giving the OP a few choices.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  15. Offline


    dsouzamatt mines dont support uuid's so yours is better than mines btw.. Thats something i have to start doing in the future is adding uuid since the changes has accord.
  16. Offline


    dsouzamatt I would recommend starting with java then moving on to bukkit. If your looking for java tutorials thenewboston is good.
  17. Offline


    welsar55 I'm competent with Java and Bukkit, as you'll find if you look at some of the other requests that I've filled. I have however watched some tutorials from thenewboston and yes, they'd also be good for drw23 to learn from.

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