Solved PermissionEX HELP!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Pompy5686, Jan 23, 2014.

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    Pompy5686 You want to remove the [] that you've got on line 76. You only need brackets after permissions: if you don't have any permission nodes listed beneath it. Now that your owner group has a permission node, the brackets need taken away.
    Pompy5686 likes this.
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    ok i did that :D but it still no work ;/
    Thats my console startup.
    And here is my perm.yml

    Also ty again for helping me!! :)
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    Pompy5686 Okay, so I ran your perm file through a YAML parser and it found a tab on line 45. After removing it, the file parses just fine. So go look at line 45, and remove the tab that's right after - essentials.gamemode.
    Pompy5686 likes this.
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    omg.. i cant thank you enough!!! TY!!! xD

    but i really appreciate it :) TY!
    JaguarJo likes this.
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