Reduce damage from Iron armor

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BloodShura, Feb 7, 2012.

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  1. Offline



    This code isn't working. It doesn't give any errors, simply don't reduce the damage.
    (PS: Ignore the '//'!)


    if (e.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
    //if ((player.getInventory().getHelmet().getType() == Material.CHAINMAIL_HELMET)
    //&& (player.getInventory().getChestplate().getType() == Material.CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE)
    //&& (player.getInventory().getLeggings().getType() == Material.CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS)
    //&& (player.getInventory().getBoots().getType() == Material.CHAINMAIL_BOOTS)) {
    //e.setDamage(e.getDamage() / 2);

    //if (player.getInventory().getHelmet().getType() == Material.IRON_HELMET) {
    //e.setDamage(e.getDamage() * ((int) 1.1));

    //if (player.getInventory().getChestplate().getType() == Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE) {
    // e.setDamage(e.getDamage() * ((int) 1.1));

    //if (player.getInventory().getLeggings().getType() == Material.IRON_LEGGINGS) {
    //e.setDamage(e.getDamage() * ((int) 1.1));

    //if (player.getInventory().getHelmet().getType() == Material.GOLD_HELMET) {
    //e.setDamage(e.getDamage() / ((int) 1.1));

    //if (player.getInventory().getChestplate().getType() == Material.GOLD_CHESTPLATE) {
    //e.setDamage(e.getDamage() / ((int) 1.1));

    //if (player.getInventory().getLeggings().getType() == Material.GOLD_LEGGINGS) {
    //e.setDamage(e.getDamage() / ((int) 1.1));

    PS: The error isn't with 'e.getEntity() instanceof Player', because I have other codes inside this and works perfectly.
  2. Offline


    The damage isn't changed because ((int) 1.1) is rounded to 1.
    you actually want this:
    1. e.setDamage((int) (e.getDamage()/1.1));
    But this won't work either, since it will also get rounded.
    I suggest to create a new variable at the beginning of onEntityDamage:
    1. double damage = e.getDamage();
    which you then change like
    1. if (player.getInventory().getLeggings().getType() == Material.IRON_LEGGINGS)
    2. damage = damage/1.1
    for every armour piece, and at the end of onEntityDamage you set the event's damage:
    1. e.setDamage((int)Math.round(damage));

    There are further ways of improving the code, but this should be enough for the moment.
  3. Offline


    Oh, thank you very much! :)

    I'll try it. :D
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