Setting Prefixes with No Conflicts with EssentialsChat or PEX

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Drkmaster83, Oct 11, 2012.

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    I would like to know how to prevent conflicts between EssentialsChat and a plugin that I'm developing. I have been able to set prefixes, but everytime that EssentialsChat comes into play, the prefixes get removed.
    Do I have to use the EssentialsChat API to prevent this? I'm pretty sure this is the way, but if you could "lend" me some code that will nudge me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

    EDIT: I'm using AsyncPlayerChatEvent to set prefixes, since setDisplayName() doesn't work for me.
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    Make the event priority monitor should work
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    Didn't work. Essentials itself is making the prefix disappear
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    I have the same problem
  5. And people still ask why Essentials is bad... ^^

    Ignore that problem and tell your users to not use Essentials.
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