I need your knowledge of Minecraft and Bukkit!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Rahazan, Dec 22, 2011.

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    Hello fellow bukkiteer!

    I am in the process of creating a chatbot with some actual artificial intelligence, in order for it to work properly in a Minecraft server it needs some predicates about Minecraft and Bukkit in general. That's why I'm here to gather some information about Minecraft from you :). The chatbot does learn from conversations, but not in a perfect way (at all). It makes use of the A.L.I.C.E. with Charlix (simple) Reversed AIML functionalities to learn from users.

    The plugin will remember the user, too, even across servers. So if you tell the plugin your name, it'll remember it.

    Now you may think, how on Earth am I going to provide this information? Well, it's actually quite easy. I have created a .AIML file with quite a lot of Minecraft and Bukkit knowledge in it, but this needs expanding. This is how you can provide me with information. Please don't go too far in creating jokes. Feel free to create a WHO IS YOURNAME in it, with your own answer, I guess it's your footprint in the plugin as a helper :).

    Anyway, this is how you provide your knowledge:

    1. <category>
    2. <pattern>WHAT IS MINECRAFT</pattern>
    4. <template>A sandbox game, created by Mojang. Pretty much what you are playing right now.</template>
    5. </category>
    8. <category>
    9. <pattern>WHAT IS MOJANG</pattern>
    11. <template>The company that created Minecraft.</template>
    12. </category>
    15. <category>
    16. <pattern>WHO IS NOTCH</pattern>
    18. <template>The original creator of Minecraft.</template>
    19. </category>
    22. <category>
    23. <pattern>WHAT IS CRAFTING</pattern>
    25. <template>Creating an item from materials. You can do it in your inventory and using a workbench.</template>
    26. </category>

    <pattern>THE QUESTION</pattern>
    <template>The answer.</template>
    //This last one by Winstonn
    <pattern>HTF DO I CUT TREES/pattern>
    <template>Cut the second and third block, stand on the first to reach higher and finally cut the one you're standing on.</template>
    Duplicate entries are not a problem. Make sure your answers are not too long.
    Please do put either [ code ] brackets or [ syntax=aiml ] brackets around your information.

    Information about what certain block types are, what do I need to craft X, what plugins are running (you'd want to say "Type /plugins for an overview." or something similar), what is griefing. Again, make sure the answers are not too long. They should fit in one Minecraft chat message to make my life a lot easier :x.
    Oh, and the bot could use a name.

    Thank you for your submissions !
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    <pattern>WHAT DO I DO</pattern>
    <template>Don't dig down.</template>
    Chiller and Rahazan like this.
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    Edited it and am hereby pushing this thread upwards in the hope of more exposure.
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    So its like an actual player? :eek:
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    Hmm, you sure could have a conversation with it. But sometimes the answers are a bit odd of course. Whether the ALICE passes the Turing test? Sometimes...
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    <template>To view the list of plugins, use /plugins</template>
    <pattern>WHAT IS A WHITELIST</pattern>
    <template>A list of players that are allowed access to a server.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I PLACE BLOCKS</pattern>
    <template>Right click on your mouse.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I SPRINT</pattern>
    <template>Double-tap the "W" key on your keyboard.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I JUMP</pattern>
    <template>By default, you would jump by pressing the "SPACE" key on your keyboard
    <pattern>MY MINECRAFT IS FOGGY</pattern>
    <template>Press the "Esc" key and extend your render distance in the video settings.</template>
    <pattern>WHERE IS MY TMI</pattern>
    <template>TooManyItems is only enabled for Ops.</template>
    <pattern>WHAT IS AN OP</pattern>
    <template>An Op, short for Operator, is normally the server owner. Ops have complete control over the server.</template>
    <pattern>WHAT IS PVP</pattern>
    <template>PVP is an acronym short for Player Vs. Player combat.</template>
    <pattern>WHAT ARE THE HEATS ON MY SCREEN FOR</pattern>
    <template>They indicate your health.</template>
    <template>They indicate your hunger.</template>
    <pattern>MY PLANTS WONT GROW</pattern>
    <template>Be sure they have an appropriate of light and that water is near-by. </template>
    <pattern>WHY CANT I PICK ANYTHING UP</pattern>
    <template>For starters, be sure you have room in your inventory.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I TAKE A SCREEN SHOT OF MY GAME</pattern>
    <template>Press the "F2" key on your keyboard.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I CROUCH</pattern>
    <template>By default, you would crouch by pressing the "Left Shift" key on your keyboard.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I MAKE A TORCH</pattern>
    <template>Place a piece of coal on top of a stick in your crafting space.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I HACK</pattern>
    <template>I'm afraid I don't understand.</template>
    <pattern>WHY WONT BLOCKS BREAK WHEN I HIT THEM</pattern>
    <template>Hold your left mouse button to continuously punch blocks. Do not repeatedly click it.</template>
    <pattern>HOW DO I MAKE FOOD</pattern>
    <template>Kill a passive mob (Pig, cow, etc) and cook their remains.</template>
    <pattern>I HAVE FOOD, HOW DO I EAT IT</pattern>
    <template>Hold the food item in your hand and hold down your right mouse button until it is gone.</template>
    <pattern>WHAT DOES MC MEAN</pattern>
    <template>"MC" is short for "Minecraft."</template>
    <template>Report it to staff quickly!</template>
    <pattern>I SEE SOMEONE BREAKING A RULE</pattern>
    <template>Report him/her to staff quickly!</template>
    <pattern>WHY CANT I SPRINT ANYMORE</pattern>
    <template>If your character is hungry, you will be unable to sprint. Eat something.</template>
    <template>What is wrong?</template>
    <pattern>WHAT IS BUKKIT</pattern>
     <template>Bukkit is an up-and-coming Minecraft Server mod that will completely change how running and modifying a Minecraft server is done - making managing and creating servers easier and providing more flexibility.</template>
    Rahazan likes this.
  7. Offline


    I'd just like to say, that this plugin seems awesome and would be an excellent addition to Minecraft servers.
  8. Offline


    i honestly cannot wait until this plugon becomes a reality
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    <template>Shut up.</template>
    -_Husky_- likes this.
  10. Code:xml
    1. <category>
    2. <pattern>WHAT IS THIS SERVER TYPE CALLED</pattern>
    4. <template>Type /version, if the admin has blocked it, I cant tell it too</template>
    5. </category>
    (I used the xml syntax at the syntax tag because its looks the same as the format you are using
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