stone guard

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ferds814, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Helllo, My name is Fred, I am the official owner of crafting wars, I need a developer for my server, and some plugins made.

    I am looking for somebody to create the following plugin and update it regularly for my server. and many others too. I am not sure where to look so i came here.

    these features, commands, and permissions, are just ideas, and the plugin could be done diffrent, like /s instead of /stone

    Features: <- this creator didnt add a tool feature or an outline yet.

    - can use a tool to see the protection
    - allows configurable ammount of stones 3 stones, 5 stones etc
    - Regions are protected with WorldGuard
    - Easier and Stable
    - Flag Support
    - Easier Admin/Moderator Control.
    - configurable region sizes
    - configurable region amounts
    - sets down glasspane to show region (configurable)


    stoneprotect.admin - Bypasses for Server Admin's
    stoneprotect.flag - Allows for the setup of Flags
    atoneprotect.create.<amount> -Allows certain amout of protections
    stoneprotect.create - Allows creation of Protected Regions


    /sprotect - Displays all options
    /sprotect flag - Displays flag options
    /sprotect flag {flag} {x} - Create a Flag
    /sprotect friend add {Username} - Adds Friend/User to a Region
    /sprotect friend remove {Username} - Removes Friend/User from a Region
    /sprotect owner add {Username} - Adds Owner/User to a Region
    /sprotect owner remove {Username} - Removes Friend/User from a Region
    /sprotect delete - Delete's a protection from the WorldGuard Database
    /sprotect list - List's your protections
    /sprotect info - List's the Plot's Information

    if somebody could create this or something like this, I really would be thankful. and yes we will have contact, hopefuly

    Kind reguards
    Fred Ahrens

    edit: more descriptive
    I was thinking that a player buys a specific stone at a market using some sort of economy. and the stones protect a specific region. 5x5, 10x10 etc. and the sizes are configurable. on placement of stone, glass panes apear at the border to show its location, on removal the panes dissapear (if havent been destroyed yet) the stone is able to be repicked back up by the player and reset down wherever the players wants. the protectioon is bedrock-sky. the stones can be changed in config

    my other post:

    if anyone wants to help out please let me know.
  2. Offline


    Take a look at PreciousStones.
    ferds814 likes this.
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    ferds814 likes this.
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    I currently use protection stones. but it doesnt create glass panes at the edge of the protection, and im only limited to 3 protection stones, what if i want 5? plus it wont allow to use a tool to see the protection.. and if it does do all this. please correct me and help me out :/
  5. Offline


    You may also have as many different stone types as you want. There's plenty of pre-defined ones and you can edit the config.yml to define your own types.
  6. Offline


    I'm 98% sure that you can change the "preview outline" material in the config.
    I'm 99% sure that you can have more than 3 precious stones (don't they list ~10 on the BukkitDev page?)
    Not sure about the tool.

    But, I could be completely wrong, given the fact that I've never used PreciousStones.
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    i just want the protection stones. not all the stuff precious stones offer. look up to see what im using. its simply what i want, and I can choose my 3 blocks to use. BUT i want to use more than 3 stones and i also want to use a tool to see the protection when right clicking ie, saying ground is protected. also i want the edges to have glasspanes set down so the player instantly can see the protection edge without having to use a command

    i did create a ticket requesting them to be added.

    "I was thinking some way to see if the ground is protected or not, using a tool.

    I was thinking when the stone is placed the corners of the outline are marked with glasspane, and can be destroyed by the player. and when the stone is picked back up the glasspanes would dissapear,given they havent been removed already.

    i made a plugin request, requesting a plugin of this ticket."

    but if i got this made it would be nice to have.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  8. Offline


    I don't see the point in making a plugin (which is a lesser clone of a plugin) just to add a feature.

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